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Thread: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

  1. #2701
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    Ehh...he has about 3 weeks before he's likely the guy whether he's ready or not.
    Thats one thing that confuses me. He has MITB, why not have him be guest referee or him making it (insert stip here) to guarantee Cena/Lesnar just beats the ever living heck out of each other, without him having to lift a finger and then he can just pick which one to cash in on? I personally say this should be a year for a Wrestlemania cash in on Lesnar but thats just IMO.
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  2. #2702
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Because that would make sense.

    No, with Brock likely going back to MMA after Mania, I'm guessing the belt is coming off sooner than later.

    So it'd be Cena pin Rollins > Authority/Rusev(makes more sense if it's Rusev to set up Mania) attack on Cena > Rollins cashes in > Rollins/Reigns at Mania. Brock would be sharing Hardee's burgers with Lawler as this is happening, if you're wondering.

    If you can keep Brock until Mania, have him job to Bryan in the semi-main and everything is covered.

  3. #2703
    Administrator HollywoodLeo's Avatar
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slyder View Post
    Thats one thing that confuses me. He has MITB, why not have him be guest referee or him making it (insert stip here) to guarantee Cena/Lesnar just beats the ever living heck out of each other, without him having to lift a finger and then he can just pick which one to cash in on? I personally say this should be a year for a Wrestlemania cash in on Lesnar but thats just IMO.
    He'll likely not do much during most of the match and then cash in towards the end.
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  4. #2704
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    Because that would make sense.

    No, with Brock likely going back to MMA after Mania, I'm guessing the belt is coming off sooner than later.

    So it'd be Cena pin Rollins > Authority/Rusev(makes more sense if it's Rusev to set up Mania) attack on Cena > Rollins cashes in > Rollins/Reigns at Mania. Brock would be sharing Hardee's burgers with Lawler as this is happening, if you're wondering.

    If you can keep Brock until Mania, have him job to Bryan in the semi-main and everything is covered.
    You've got to get more out of Brock ending the streak that that! He beats the streak, destroys Cena at SummerSlam, beats Big Show, destroys Mark Henry to turn around and give the belt back to Cena so Rollins can cash in on Cena. Pinning "the 1 in 21-1" is a career maker (like Y2J being the first undisputed world champion, Edge being the original Mr. Money in the Bank/Ultimate Opportunist). Reigns already has a number of accomplishments, that's why I hope they have Rollins cash in on Lesnar to try and get some more return on it than that.

    Thats a lot of faith in Rollins/Reigns... It was interesting to see Reigns is already starting to see some fans turn on him. I don't know if its they fear Cena v 2.0 or what but there was a good number of boos from the crowd (granted this is the first time I saw him back... and wtf was that promo about?

    I think Sting makes an appearance and stops the authority's attempt during the match. I don't know if that means Cena wins or Lesnar pins Rollins to get out of dodge.
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  5. #2705

    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    PS: Fuck Mike Shanahan

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  6. #2706
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mach View Post
    PS: Fuck Mike Shanahan
    Um wrong thread... Like anyways!
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  7. #2707
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slyder View Post
    You've got to get more out of Brock ending the streak that that! He beats the streak, destroys Cena at SummerSlam, beats Big Show, destroys Mark Henry to turn around and give the belt back to Cena so Rollins can cash in on Cena. Pinning "the 1 in 21-1" is a career maker (like Y2J being the first undisputed world champion, Edge being the original Mr. Money in the Bank/Ultimate Opportunist). Reigns already has a number of accomplishments, that's why I hope they have Rollins cash in on Lesnar to try and get some more return on it than that.

    Thats a lot of faith in Rollins/Reigns... It was interesting to see Reigns is already starting to see some fans turn on him. I don't know if its they fear Cena v 2.0 or what but there was a good number of boos from the crowd (granted this is the first time I saw him back... and wtf was that promo about?

    I think Sting makes an appearance and stops the authority's attempt during the match. I don't know if that means Cena wins or Lesnar pins Rollins to get out of dodge.
    Part 1: I'd like to think so too, but it feels like where we're headed is Cena/Seth being the finish with Lesnar as an afterthought. Lesnar retaining and Seth cashing in on him would make a lot more sense, but I doubt they're going to job Cena to Lesnar again when Brock is on his way out. I guess you could go Lesnar d. Seth > Cena attack > Seth cash in. Anyway you slice it, it's not the end to the Brock title reign we really deserve. (Which should be "hot babyface does what Cena couldn't do." Unfortunately, unless you're running back to Bryan, you have no hot babyfaces. You killed Ambrose, wrote off Ziggler to no heat and Reigns isn't over.)

    Part 2: It's not my booking plan, believe me. Reigns has shown nothing to me outside of tag matches and one off the cuff interview on Main Event early last year. I have a feeling it's another Batista waiting to happen, but only one guy matters in this, and he's the only one that seems to believe that Reigns is the guy. (I'm talking about Vince.)

    Part 3: If Sting's making an appearance, it should be to sing Fields of Gold. I have no desire to see him again unless it's watching Vader destroy him on the Network.

  8. #2708
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    Part 1: I'd like to think so too, but it feels like where we're headed is Cena/Seth being the finish with Lesnar as an afterthought. Lesnar retaining and Seth cashing in on him would make a lot more sense, but I doubt they're going to job Cena to Lesnar again when Brock is on his way out. I guess you could go Lesnar d. Seth > Cena attack > Seth cash in. Anyway you slice it, it's not the end to the Brock title reign we really deserve. (Which should be "hot babyface does what Cena couldn't do." Unfortunately, unless you're running back to Bryan, you have no hot babyfaces. You killed Ambrose, wrote off Ziggler to no heat and Reigns isn't over.)
    I wish WWE would let Ziggler do more promo work. I love him in the interviews he does with the radio stations, he comes off as a complete total 100% self absorb asshole but it shows he has personality and it could work (did with Rock speaking in the 3rd person all the time).

    The one dark horse (and I don't really know how much of a dark horse he could be), if they're chilling on Reigns at Mania and going with Lesnar to Rumble and thats FEED ME MORE. Thats the only other real option you have and I'd almost rather give him Rusev to end that streak at Mania for the same reason that Rollins should cash on Lesnar (granted little different level of oomph).

    I don't know if you can do Daniel Bryan this year, if you were going to go there with him last year was the year to do it. Have HHH stick him in there at #2 (cause that's all he'll ever be type promos) and watch him hang on (a la Rey, Benoit, etc) eliminate Orton and Batista last. We don't know the medical if he's ever truly 100% or is this a Stone Cold/Edge type deal where he's on borrowed time. You go with him this year you play back in to the same booking bs that got Batista boo'd out of the *)@! company. I don't know how you can book Bryan without an outright revolt either though.

    Part 2: It's not my booking plan, believe me. Reigns has shown nothing to me outside of tag matches and one off the cuff interview on Main Event early last year. I have a feeling it's another Batista waiting to happen, but only one guy matters in this, and he's the only one that seems to believe that Reigns is the guy. (I'm talking about Vince.)

    Part 3: If Sting's making an appearance, it should be to sing Fields of Gold. I have no desire to see him again unless it's watching Vader destroy him on the Network.[/QUOTE]
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  9. #2709
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    They were giving Ziggler mic time for at the Smackdown tapings and he was putting out some pretty good stuff. Radio interviews don't really resonate with me, though, because Jack Swagger did one for a Cleveland station(I think this was the month he was the WHC) and he sounded like a normal, intelligent guy. Swagger's never translated to that on TV, that's for sure.

    Ryback? He's all yours. I'll go back to watching 1990 Jumbo and 1983 Rick Martel.

    Truthfully, if anyone but Bryan or Ziggler are the champion after Mania, I'm probably taking a break from WWE after the post-Mania Raw, anyway. I've watched every PPV within a day (minus EC2014 because of the Network launch) since Rock/Cena I, so it's about time I take a few steps back.

  10. #2710

    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    I took a break after JBL won the title.

    I never really came back.

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  11. #2711
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Truthfully I probably would have taken a break 4 or 5 years ago and never looked back if not for the onset of DVR (as in me actually getting one) and then the Network.

    In fact, I went at least 4 or 5 years without watching it and started up again when the Nexus thing happened.

    Ever since then it's been a long series of promising premises that never follow through well.
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  12. #2712
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    Part 2: It's not my booking plan, believe me. Reigns has shown nothing to me outside of tag matches and one off the cuff interview on Main Event early last year. I have a feeling it's another Batista waiting to happen, but only one guy matters in this, and he's the only one that seems to believe that Reigns is the guy. (I'm talking about Vince.)
    Oh I know, It's like watching the movie Groundhog day for me. it astonishes me how many similarities I can see in the decline of WWE under Vince as I saw watching Al stubbornly hang on all those years with Oakland as both former Titans aged.

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    They were giving Ziggler mic time for at the Smackdown tapings and he was putting out some pretty good stuff. Radio interviews don't really resonate with me, though, because Jack Swagger did one for a Cleveland station(I think this was the month he was the WHC) and he sounded like a normal, intelligent guy. Swagger's never translated to that on TV, that's for sure.
    I think Ziggler could be real good with time, just a lot of the youtube stuff shows he's got something there but WWE won't/can't let him do his own interviews. They script everything for him when they give him more than a match. They give him the nickname "The Show Off" but what does he ever really get to show off? Pink Biker Shorts?

    I could never get past Swagger's lysp/accent whatever you want to call it. He could be another one that you could expose the problem with the writing staff with. I don't know, I've never heard him outside of WWE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    Ryback? He's all yours. I'll go back to watching 1990 Jumbo and 1983 Rick Martel.
    Like you said about your booking, it wouldn't be my ideal path. It's an option. I'd like to see Ryback get some "achievements" like Reigns gotten in the last year and start that with ending Rusev's streak.

    WWE needs more variety in its programming. They push so few guys that it turns many people off. Ryback would be my "something different". Wrestling history is littered with big oversized monsters who just walk in, wreck ****, and leave. You can make a LOT of money being that guy (see Brock Lesnar). Will he ever be "the man" no, but he could be one of that you can use to occassionally hold major titles and play other things through.

    Quote Originally Posted by Witlon View Post
    Truthfully, if anyone but Bryan or Ziggler are the champion after Mania, I'm probably taking a break from WWE after the post-Mania Raw, anyway. I've watched every PPV within a day (minus EC2014 because of the Network launch) since Rock/Cena I, so it's about time I take a few steps back.
    It's been good for me. Every once in a while I'll take a few weeks/months off from all wwe programming and then when I do catch it, its at least "kinda fresh" until I see Cena, Orton, and/or HHH feuding for the 564874654321 time and they still get 1/2 the show.
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  13. #2713
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodLeo View Post
    In fact, I went at least 4 or 5 years without watching it and started up again when the Nexus thing happened.
    Lets see the Benoit thing happened in 2007, Vince blowing himself up was about that time too. Nexus/NXT brought me back in 2010 also. So that was about 3 years.

    Then they screwed the pooch with Nexus, started to tune it out again, Cena "fired" yet he was still in the ring more than 90% of the roster, watching only PPV.

    Then the Pipebomb brought me back. Then the crap with Nash, losing to HHH, turned it off.
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  14. #2714
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    So the lunatic is a shrink on the side?
    HollywoodLeo: You and Kingdom always annoy me
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  15. #2715
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    Re: Official WWE/TNA/ROH Thread

    Roman Reigns is horrible on the mic.
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