In 2012, Chipper Jones is still alive. And well.
In 2012, Chipper Jones is still alive. And well.
Marshall: MILSWANCAs?
Ted: Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
Barney: Circle gets the square!
The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.
Vince Mazzaro beasted to 10,6,10...currently 8,6,8. He has the entire season to fill out as I don't need him just yet. I think I'll put Duke back in the rotation or Roe. I'm not sure yet.
Save Phil Hughes
tomato sauce
Marshall: MILSWANCAs?
Ted: Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
Barney: Circle gets the square!
The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.
I actually offered chipper a 5.5 million dollar extension because he was huge for me last year, but he wanted more... good luck, geezer.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
no, no, no...canned gravy is no good. and by gravy I meant red sauce. any real Italian knows you don't call it "tomato sauce"'s called gravy. c'mon KoZ!
I'm.. not Italian.
Marshall: MILSWANCAs?
Ted: Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
Barney: Circle gets the square!
The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.
that explains a really does. so go ahead and enjoy your "tomato sauce"
I'm German.
Marshall: MILSWANCAs?
Ted: Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
Barney: Circle gets the square!
The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.
Here's a grumbling for ya, is this horrible draft class final? I feel sorry for anyone not in the top 5-7. Reminds me of the first few years in TSSL.
On a positive note, the free agent class is pretty good. I wonder if Chipper will fufill his contract.
Former GM of...
S3SL Padres 2017-2030
SBSL Isotopes 2007-2009
TSSL Cubs 2006-2018
TPSL Cubs 2007-2018
Draft class isn't final.... I'm editting it and it's going to be themed to the HBO series "Oz"
Chances are maybe 5 people will appreciate it or even know what Oz is/was, but those 5 people will love my Glen Shupe 1b
u still fat
On another note, the FA class is slightly updated to include a few old, but still friendly faces....
u still fat