A proposition here:
This would be kept only within trade council. The league would obviously think a council is still in place.
Trades sent to me I determine, and post in council only if I feel it needs to be voted on.
In other words, all of the Slyder 1.0 star for 3.0 MR spect trades with guys like Porter I wouldn't even bother the council with. However, the trades that seriously did need to be voted on, or if there's a trade I second guessed myself on one bit, I would post in here in a second and we would vote as usual.
I am just trying to think of something that would save council work from voting on useless deals, and as a result, them sitting because we don't vote on time. I'm guilty of not voting all the time, as are a lot of us. We all are on councils on this site, and it's hard to keep up in all of them. I am also more and more over time leaning towards the motto that we shouldn't dictate what people trade, unless it's a GM like mntwinsfan and he's getting completely jipped and it's obvious.
In a way, if we implimented this rule, we could have a reason to always post trades with new GMs to be voted on, to make sure they aren't being screwed over. It could almost be a unwritten rule that trades with newer GMs are posted no matter what.
Obviously, it comes down to whether or not you guys can trust me to evaluate trades within the league. I won't be offended if someone says they don't, this is just an idea so things run more effecient. But I don't want the rest of the league to know it's ran like this, if we do wind up doing something like this. Because, like all leagues, the members would ***** over it for some reason.
Just an idea on paper... could work out kinks, and come up with something a little more straight-forward if people like this.