tb trades:
mark aldaco, sp (4 pros stars, mlc)
sf trades:
xavier nady, of (2.5 stars, 2.564 mil)
tb trades:
mark aldaco, sp (4 pros stars, mlc)
sf trades:
xavier nady, of (2.5 stars, 2.564 mil)
pass, aldaco is pretty alright, nady is an underacheiver.
Eh... Nady is struggling, but is a much better player than this on paper. give me time to think about it... Aldaco is nothing special
I guess pass... it looks fine given Nady's stats.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
Nady can play a lot of positions and is a pretty good bat. Aldaco is a longshot in development, I'd rather have the struggling talent than the ratings question mark.
I am a veto.
.: My Last.fm
Nady is underachieving because he's been beat into the ground... a little rest, his numbers will go up. However, Aldaco is alright I think, and with Garko, albeit Nady's ability to play many positions I think it's an alright deal.
I'll pass it.
u still fat