nym trades:
carlos beltran, cf (3.5 stars, 17 mil)
6.5 million dollars every year for the length of the contract (5 years)
total: 10.5 mil
fla trades:
yusmeiro petit, sp (4.5 prospect stars, mlc)
gaby hernandez, sp (4 prospect stars, mlc)
total: 0
nym trades:
carlos beltran, cf (3.5 stars, 17 mil)
6.5 million dollars every year for the length of the contract (5 years)
total: 10.5 mil
fla trades:
yusmeiro petit, sp (4.5 prospect stars, mlc)
gaby hernandez, sp (4 prospect stars, mlc)
total: 0
looks good. Pass.
I was gonna pass it before, and I'll pass it now. Petit should be a stud.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
mish the fish, what do you do when you have 2 council members in a trade... do you still look for 3 approvals and bring in other votes if needed, or do you go for a 2-1 score?
I'll pass with two, especially if it's two solid yes's. But I have a total of 6 onboard for my council, kind of a 6th man if you will for votes like these.
.: My Last.fm
hmm fair enough... i didnt even know crazyeights still counted, hes been gone for months now.
for the record i like our 5 man group here... so my 6th choice, who would probably be zito, can go suck a hatchi. im gonna pass this through, at worst its 2-1, and tim can go suck a hatchi too.
crazy was the 6th man? That's nuts...
i'm turning this into matlock now and suggesting that since crazys depature, a MYSTERY 6th man was brough in...
Actually we don't have one anymore now that I think about it. Crazy was the 5th, he died and the 6th man who was back in the league again, McKain, was thr 5th. If two tc'ers vote though, that leaves three back to make for at worst a 2-1 vote which still passes.
.: My Last.fm
good, i dont feel bad about rushing this through at 2-0 then.