That's kind of a lame duck excuse, Leo.
What if someone posts their extensions at a time my attention is elsewhere? It's not that different. The only thing that could get annoying is the back and forth, but the only difference there is getting used to checking the inbox opposed to the thread...
I dunno. Not like I'm imposing this or anything, because I'm going to assume half the league would be too lazy and/or acustomed to pattern to bother getting used to it (don't take that as a shot, Leo... it's not meant to be at all), and it might result in less extensions due to that. And that would be regressive.
Really, it's the same reason a league any other format than 6.5 will never work on this site... too much to learn, too different, etc etc.. people here are creatures of pattern, or so it would seem. What works works I guess.