LF Adam Dunn MR Brandon Lyon CL Chad Qualls
Dunn - "In prime, test market, offer?" Lyon - "Probably test the market, offer? Qualls - "Please let me hear your offer!"
Originally Posted by missionhockey21 Life: Its gots to be funky.
Dunn - 6 mil x 2 years Lyon - 2 mil x 2 years Qualls - 3 mil x 3 years
Dunn - signed Lyon - "The amount of $ isn't enough! Slowly I am getting impatient" Qualls - signed
Lyon - 3 mil x 2 years
Lyon - "The amount of $ isn't enough! I am pretty close to breaking off negotiations"
Lyon - 5 mil x 2 years
Lyon - "The amount of $ isn't enough! The ice is getting thinner my friend!" he's not even that good...haha
I'm done with him.
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