Ok, but you're complaining over nothing. So then whine and complain and get your unfair 1 extra game sim that General did for you. I'm sorry you didn't make the playoffs, you had a chance. So I don't get why you're so upset? You lost a one game playoff, but you refuse to view it as such. Saying there was no need for a 163rd game. When it's the the exact opposite. Whoever lost the game between us lost out on the playoffs.
If I had lost it, I'd have been dissapointed, and again I'm sorry you lost. But how can you be this upset over it? Cincinnati finished the season 91-70, and you finished it 91-71. That's because the scheduling was messed up. But regardles you finished a .5 game behind him. He got to 91-71 by losing to me in a one game playoff on Oct. 3rd.