kc trades:
daryl thompson, sp (4 stars, 3.4 mil)
alex gordon, 3b (4 stars, 5.85 mil)
total: 9.25 mil
chisox trade:
johnny blaze, sp (5 pros stars, mlc)
joaquin herrero, sp (5 pros stars, mlc)
freddy medina, cl (5 pros stars, mlc)
total: 0
kc trades:
daryl thompson, sp (4 stars, 3.4 mil)
alex gordon, 3b (4 stars, 5.85 mil)
total: 9.25 mil
chisox trade:
johnny blaze, sp (5 pros stars, mlc)
joaquin herrero, sp (5 pros stars, mlc)
freddy medina, cl (5 pros stars, mlc)
total: 0
u still fat
It's fine valuewise, by me, and if Hammer feels good about it, pass it.
Seems a little bit less than he could get for these guys seperately, but overall its fair.
pass, if it needs another one, which I don't think it does but pass anyway
I did a lot of good things as a sim league GM.
Ah, give me something clever to say here.