So you suddenly see a new section pop up on BS. But you can't on it yet. You wonder?

I had this idea sometime ago to expand our sim league community. But I wasn't sure how and I wasn't sure exactly what to do to start that process. Then, I randomly had the idea of doing a survey to our members that are apart of the MSL and Trendy's League Empires. And based on your responses, I decided to create this new section to serve as a general water cooler hub of OOTP and sim league discussion. I think we spend too much time arguing about trade council and players dying, and not enough "best team you've ever had" discuss. We spend a lot of time pointing out flaws and GMs making dumb mistakes, but don't provide enough to help rectify issues. And we don't seem to really care about things outside BS even though I know a lot of you are in leagues outside of BS (so hey, invite people over!).

You will see a news section, one in which this thread will be placed in. News about sim leagues, here or outside. News about OOTP. News in general. You will also see the "blog" I'm creating, appear here as well.

There's a general discussion area for any random sim league nonsense. And it's not just for OOTP. Free to roam around.

You'll see a section for new people that join our forums, that can post and inquire about openings in the sim leagues. Or just a general area to introduce themselves.

And finally, there's an area for education. I think we could benefit from trading knowledge to help our newer members or those struggling. Particularly useful for trading, managing your team, and understanding OOTP 6.5.

In time, this section will be open to all. I'm looking at later this week to do that.