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Thread: Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #39 - HafDawg2003

  1. #1
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #39 - HafDawg2003

    HafDawg2003, your questions have been asked in this thread. You have a maximum of 5 days in which to answer these questions and once you have done that, you must select the next person for the Hot Seat. Good luck and thank you for participating.

  2. #2
    wat...??? HafDawg2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom_of_Zito
    1a) So about the question you had asked um.. RZ or whatever, about saying what if you were a sauage and if you'd eat yourself, and you said you'd eat yourself because you'd be delicious and what not. Is this a metaphorical approach in saying you're a serial killer in the works and we should all fear the Hafdawg?

    1b) Why won't you just give in, give me some of your talent for Belisle, win the central, and have a cupcake. I mean, it's so damn easy!

    2) If you had total control of the forums, and you had to delete three active users as part of the lease agreement, who'd go bye bye's?

    3) Assuming you're a reds fan,
    I'll let you deal Austin Kearns to any team in the N.L. except for the Marlins, Cubs, Mets, and Cardinals. Who would you deal him to and who for? And then I'll let you move David Weathers and Eric Milton (but only as a package deal) to any team in the A.L. except for the Yankees, Red Sox, Rangers, and Indians. Where do they go and who for?
    1a) Nah, I just stole that from Will Ferrell doing Harry Caray on SNL. But now that you've planted the seed in my head, your concern may be warranted.
    1b) I have a feeling I don't want to meet your capitalist price for Belisle.

    2) General, Kingdom_of_Zito and HafDawg2003. I used these because I at least know these three and I know they won't take it seriously and freak out. Although, that HafDawg guy HAS been pissed at me lately...

    3) Unrealistically, Kearns to Astros for Oswalt. Realistically, Chris Duffy and an arm from the Pirates. Unrealistically, get the young stud pitcher from Seattle for those two. Realistically, I'd take a Dan Haren or Blanton or Meyer package thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Assuming there is no friction, define the annual square route of a binomial in which all numbers are divisbile by themselves.

    Ok now for my questions.
    Favorite Lefty Pitcher of alltime and why.
    Favorite Utility Man of all time and why
    If you could eliminate anyone baseball game or series and determine the outcome, what game/series would you change?
    I'm telling my mom on you for asking me that.

    I would guess Randy Johnson. Overpowering.
    Rafael Belliard because he's a god.
    The ALCS every year, so I could ensure the Yanks are out. Let the World Series fall as it may.

    Quote Originally Posted by General
    1.) Assuming the Reds (or whoever your favorite team is) have the opportunity to get one player from any team and sign him to a 10 year contract for 10 million a year, who would you pick?

    2.) What the hell is a HafDawg anyway?

    3.) Where do you live, what do you do, how much do you make?
    I'd say Roy Oswalt or Albert Pujols. Outside shot on AROD or Miguel Cabrera, along with a few pitchers.

    A HafDawg is my nickname. My last name is Hafley (hay-flee) and my teammates on the basketball team just called me HafDawg (Hay-fuh Dog).

    I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was born and raised in Goshen, Ohio but I am Living for (and in) the City now in my own place. I am a full time student at Uni Cincy (Huggs forever, Kennedy forever, Cronin never) and I work full time at Quest Diagnostics as a courier, driving their car around with their gas and going to doctors offices. There, I cleared $27,000 last year. It really screwed my financial aid, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyKash
    1 - What, to you, is the purpose and meaning of life? Explain.

    2 - If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes? Explain.

    3 - What's worse as a guy: shaving your legs, your chest, your armpits or your pubes? Explain.
    To live, and then to die. If you are lucky enough, you can find a wife, have a family, and be together. Always ensure you have a job you like and always ensure you do what you want, within reason. Lifes too short not to.

    In evolution, not all of a species mutates. We would be considered mutations from deformed apes and monkeys. The apes and monkeys still here are the "normal" ones that didn't have any weird mutations. I'm in between on the whole evolution thing, but this is the theory put forth by Charles Darwin in the late 1800s.

    Publically, it would be your legs. Privately, it would be your pubes. Publically because people will see it, and then you'll no doubt get questions about it. Privately, because unless you are some sort of homo funny-man, whats the point? So the girl doesnt complain she is getting hair in her mouth? Screw her (no pun intended)! I'll quote a line from a Geto Boyz song, and I apologize for this turning raunchy.

    And right before I nut, I pull it out, then to the face
    And tell the ***** to keep suckin'
    And prepare herself
    For her first butt ****ing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Providence A's
    1) As a Reds fan, what would you do to fix your team? Would you focus on short-term or long-term?

    2) What was the last music album you purchased?

    3) What would be your ideal job/career?
    I believe theres a mix of things you can do. I wouldn't have made the Pena trade, I wouldn't have made the Basham trade. My moves would be more of the who to cut and who not to cut. I'd trade Junior. I'd rehire Dan O'Brien, but this time as director of scouting and minor league operations. He knows his stuff, he's just not GM material. I would have traded Casey for Arroyo instead of Williams previously. As for now, I'd go for a more long term approach, but I believe the team CAN compete. Too much to type about what I'd change overall.

    The Notorious BIG, Biggie Duets - The Final Chapter

    Baseball GM, no doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by McKain
    1) Are you a pie fan or a cake fan?

    if answer to 1 = pie
    2) Are you aware that pie is far superior to cake?

    if answer to 2 = no

    3) Why do you suck?

    if answer to 2 = yes

    3) Then why the hell are you a pie fan over a cake fan?

    if answer to 1 = cake

    2) Good, good. Very good. What's your favorite kind of cake?
    3) What do you think about cupcakes?
    Cake mmmm.
    I prefer the chocolate cake with the pudding in the middle.
    Cupcakes are OK, but not on the top of the list.

    Quote Originally Posted by love_that_reefer
    What do you think about Meg Ryan's tits these days?

    Who is the hottest black chick ever in your opinion?

    If you had a ****** on your back, would you beat him off?
    I did some research on this. They seem relatively perky still, but since shes a butterface, it devalues the tits.

    I'd say Beyonce, but only when her hair is in certain ways.

    No, but I'd snap dragon him off, kick him in the back of the head, and run.

    Quote Originally Posted by CincyRedsFan30
    What is the favorite gift you've ever received?

    What is your favorite sports show on TV?
    I enjoyed my XBox when I got it, for sure.

    Probably Pardon The Interruption.

    Hey, thanks everyone.
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  3. #3
    Hero ball. Kingdom's Avatar
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    My capitalist price was only Williams and..

    oh that was for the reliever guy. Hm.

  4. #4
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HafDawg2003
    A HafDawg is my nickname. My last name is Hafley (hay-flee) and my teammates on the basketball team just called me HafDawg (Hay-fuh Dog).
    "Hay-fuh Dog"? Whaaaaaat?!? I thought for sure you were a Travis Hafner fan, and thus HafDawg ("Half-dog"). Crazy stuff there.

  5. #5
    Good answers. Who's going next?
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  6. #6
    wat...??? HafDawg2003's Avatar
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    albbla2000mu can go next.
    One-Time TBL Champ
    Baltimore Orioles (2018)

    Three-Time S3SL Champ
    Pittsburgh Pirates Detroit Tigers St. Louis Cardinals

    2012 B/S Keeper League Champ - Boston Terror

  7. #7
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    PVD for now.
    Realistically you couldn't get Blanton or Haren as Beane has declared them untouchable.

  8. #8
    Hero ball. Kingdom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Providence A's
    Realistically you couldn't get Blanton or Haren as Beane has declared them untouchable.
    Oh, but, in this realistic world, I own baseball and I'd be happy to force Blanton to Hell. I mean, Cincinnati.

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