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Thread: Hot Seat Answers - redsrbetter

  1. #1
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    Hot Seat Answers - redsrbetter

    Providence A's:

    1) The redrbetter than what?

    Redsrbetter than any team in baseball of course. I thought you knew that by now. My original thought when I first joined was that the redsrbetter than they were a season before. I hope they keep getting that way too. Than I also like dthe name in a cocky sense to say that they are better than any other team.

    2) Do you consider yourself a Reds homer?

    I can't lie, in a way I am. But at the same time I have a lot of respect for every team. I can't say I don't hate on any team, as the Yankees do piss me off at times, but I still love that they are a baseball team and that they draw fans to the game. I am an all around baseball lover as I attend Rockies games (close to where I live) just so I can be around the game. I am also a Little league baseball coach because that is how much I love being around the sport. So, you could say I am a Reds homer just because I think I would stick up for any argument going against most of the Reds players. Most of the time. And that is just because I put so much time in loving the way they play the game I love.

    3) If the Reds had to trade Dunn, where you would trade him and for what?

    If they HAD to trade Dunn, I would definitely look for an ace in return. I guess I would with Livan Hernandez and Mike Hinckley from the Nationals. They want one of our outfielders, and we may be able to pull that off. I am probably dreaming, but I couldn't see Dunn going for less.


    1)latest quote out of the NY Post says that the reds will not trade dunn or kearns because of possible ownership changes. That they will leave that up to the new administration. Do you buy this?

    I think I do. If we have new ownership take over, we never know how much money they would want to put into this team. Therefore, Dunn may be too expensive for their taste, or he may be petty cash in what they really want to do. I guess we never know. I am just happy that they did not move these guys.

    2)How do you like your skyline?

    Unfortunately I have never had it. Never even been to Cincinnati.

    3)whats your favorite reds memory?

    Well since I have only been a true fan since Griffey came over (bandwagon me all you want, but I am here for good now) I have to say it was Joe randa's walk off win on Opening day this season. I was already thinking that this team had to be better than last season, and with that dramatic win, I knew only good things could come. (too bad my knowledge isn't always truth though.)

    A's Baby Girl:

    1. How's married life so far?

    Thanks for asking. Married life is awesome. Thing is, nothing has changed like everyone promised it would. Then again, I have been with her for 5 years now and we already knew what to expect. But the only thing I had to get used to was introducing her as my wife and wearing my wedding band. Married life is great!

    2. Who are your favorite actors and actresses?

    Actors- My all time favorite is Denzel Washington. There is not a movie out there that he stared in that was not excellent. This man is the master at acting. I will see anything the man does. I don't care if he were to star ina new Barney the purple dinosaur movie, I'm there!
    I also like Mel Gibson, he is a very close second and has delivered some amazing movies as well. Honorable mentions go to Tom Hanks, Edward Norton, and Brad Pitt.
    Favorite Actress- I really like two new stars in the making. Dakota Fanning is awesome and I'm really starting to like Rachel McAdams. But my all time favorite has to go to Julia Roberts. That woman can act.

    3. What's your all-time favorite movie?

    I have to go with Braveheart. Mel delivered the best performance I have ever seen. This movie had a lot of drama and action all at the same time. Great movie!
    Honorable mentions: Forrest Gump, Love and Basketball, For Love of the Game, and John Q.


    Are you really mission's *****?

    WOW! Thats the first I heard of that. But, I will put a likely spin on it. I am just so dedicated to this site that it may seem like I do a lot for mission and the site as a whole. Thing is, mission has never once asked me to do something, so I am not his nor anyone else's slave. I am, however dedicated enough to look that way. As you have obviously seen. So, thank you!

    On a percentage scale, how much does mission own you?

    refer to last question.

    Is Adam Dunn really the next Ted Williams?

    No. I really do not think Adam Dunn is close to Ted Williams. Williams is one of the greatest sports figures of all time. A definite face to the game. Dunn, may in time have that type of fame, but he is not comparable to Teddy ballgame. Williams was one of the greatest hitters of all time. He hit in the .500s in High School even. He had a lifetime .344 A. He had a lifetime .500 OBP. Now way that Dunn can compare to that. The only thing Dunn might compare to him is in HRs. But he still has a very long way to go to catch up to Williams' 521.


    1. Should the fences of GABP be moved back?

    No, I think they are fine where they are at. I am glad the Reds sticks can hit them out like they do, but they do that everywhere. But it may be nice to help out the pitching a little bit. but I don't think that is the answer. We just need better pitching.

    2. Would you say that O' Brien is the trojan horse from the Astros?

    Heck yeah. He is whatever ever bad anyone can make of him. No, truthfully sometimes I hate the guy as I really think he has his favorites. But other times he seems to do the right thing. I like the way he handled the offseason and this trade deadline. So, I cannot hate him too much. But being a mask for the Astros is not a possibility IMO. In what way has he helped them?

    3. On a scale of 1-5, how do you rate cs_the_reds_fan as a Reds fan?

    I will not rate him. But I can say he contributes.

    bonus: Does Cheyenne have paved roads?

    Yep they do. I actually have not seen too many dirt roads.


    Who is the "real" good luck charm on the forum, for the Reds? and how do you explain it?

    bipster, you are man! I can easily explain it. Everytime this guy does a Game Thread, we win! Everytime. I don't know what else to call it but a good luck charm. The Reds forum best kept secret.

    Where do you find the time to be so active on the forum, isn't there anything to do in Wyoming? and if so, what?

    My time is honestly spent wisely IMO. Luckily, right now i work in an office where I have access to a computer. If I am not too busy, I always check on the forum. Doesn't take long to respond to something that interests me I guess. There is lots to do out here believe it or not. But being from California, I still get pretty bord at times. Your next question will explain what I do out here.

    What would your perfect day consist of?

    I rate this as the best question asked! Anyhow, here is how I like to address my perfect day. Most of the time I try and make it this way.

    A perfect day is a day off work. I would sleep in until noon. Immediately turn on the forums and read up on whats new. Then I would take a shower and think about what I would like to talk about that day. I make some posts while eating a quick bowl of cereal and watching ESPN News on the bigscreen. Then I usually call my friend Dwayne and find out what time he would like to go to the gym. We usually schedule that around what time the Reds play. So, I usually realx and spend some time on the forums until I have to get ready for the gym. The gym usually takes about an hour and a half. Most of the time after the gym, some friends and I go and play some frisbee golf. Then its off to the 7/11 to pick up a banana slurpee or a nice cold Green tea. I also usually pick up some nachos or some hot dogs to eat while I am watching the game. I rush home, turn on the game and start up on the Reds game thread. If the wifey is home, she usually cooks us a nice dinner, so the nachos may be out of contention at that point. After the game, I usually post some more while watching a movie with the wife. Or else we go to the movies some times too. get home from the movies and post some more on the forums until I get tired. Usually at that time while I am posting I get some playstation in as well. Then I am off to bed around 3 or 4 in the morning. Then wake up and do it all over again.

    Wouldn't you really like to see me be able to answer all of these questions? If so, pick me next
    You are Next!

    Kingdon of Zito:

    1. You get to make two moves, any moves, to make the Reds better. Which two moves do you pull off?

    Any moves; Ok I would trade Milton for Roy Halladay. And Ortiz for Dontrelle Willis. You said any moves! LOL.

    1. You get to make two moves, any moves, to make the Reds better. Which two moves do you pull off?

    No way, she has no clue what it takes to make a baseball team. One day I asked her what position Barry Larkin played. She said the position was called " in between the second base and the third base" exact words. No way she would do this right. You guys would have to keep begging her to at least get the 25 man roster down. She would have Brian Giles playing closer. LOL.

    3. Chicken or the egg, which didn't come first?

    The egg did NOT come first. I believe that God created everything and I believe that animals were created like humans. First they were just created like Adam and Eve. Then all of a sudden they started crapping eggs. Jusl like Adam and Eve did their thing and started making Cane and Able.

    Geki Ace:

    I would have gotten to you next, but bip asked first bro.

    1. Could you please describe my awesomeness in five words or less?

    Yep, here it is. Dude, you are awesome dude.

    2. Do you really mean that? Think carefully, now.

    I hope I mean it. Want to change my mind?

    3. Upon the realization that words can not describe how awesome I am, how do you feel?

    Honestly, I feel stupid. You shopuld be talking about how awesome I am. I thought you knew that by now. Geki, I am ashamed. Truthfully though, you are pretty good on your Reds knowledge, you keep me in check sometimes. But thats not very hard to do.


    1) What's it like living in Wyoming?

    Its freezing! Man, it snows out here in April and May sometimes. Everything closes by 10 pm too. Except we just now got a Super Wal-Mart. Finally something that stays open 24 hours. I live in the capitol of Wyoming and the city I am from in California, which most people have never heard of, is three times the size. But Colorado is 10 miles away, and they have awesome places out there.

    2) Which team in the NL Central you dislike the most?

    The Cubs. Ever since Fransworth beat up on Wilson. Baker stated later that nobody should mess withe the Cubs because they have big players. What do you call Willy Mo Pena, Adam Dunn, Austin Kearns, Sean casey, Aaron Harang, Todd Coffey????

    3) What's your stance on Pete Rose? Should he be in the HoF?

    I loved his play and I think he was one of the greatest playesr of all time. here is my take on the HOF though. He cheated, he lied about it too. But if any of the roid ragers get in, then by all means he should to. IMO though, none of them should be able to go. They broke the rules and should have to suffer the consequences like any civil human being would have to at any other job in the US. Get me caught with roids and where would I be? I would be kicked out of the military with a dishonorable discharge. Even if those roids enabled me to rip some dudes head off in a needed situation that saved someone's life. Any chance of me getting a prestigious award for that?


    Which bad habit of your's does your wife get most irritated with?

    LOL, being a baseball fan no doubt. But thats not a bad habit. I try my best to accomodate to her needs and her schedule as much as possible. Woman need to know that they are more important. And no doubt she is, but I wish I could have both. But she wants me to herself sometimes, and with her being my all in all, she gets just that.

    Do you expect Griffey to continue to have successful seasons (ala players like Frank Robinson and Barry Bonds as they got older) or will he begin do decline a good deal?

    I think he will begin to decline. I truly think he is already there. People say Griffey is back, but thats just because they are finally seeing a full season from him again. He still is not the same player he was in Seattle. Of course age has everything to do with that though. He probably will not fall off too much tough as he has that great swing still. As long as that bat connects to the ball, his swing will take care of all else. as he slows down, he may be moved out of CF, and probably will not continue to hit for as much power but that is what will decline. Bonds would be without the power now without the roids. He would be more like a Tony Gwynn now. Bonds can still hit no matter what, and I think Griffey will be more like that.

    Why is baseball better than any other sport?

    Great question. You know how a lot of people say that it is America's pastime? Well, that is true, but I don't feel like I am old enough to think like that. You know how people say that it is the smell of the grass, the beautiful day spent in the greatest park ever built? That is more like how I feel. i just love every part of the game. I love to see a player make adiving catch. To me a baseball glove may have been one of the greates inventions ever made. Baseball players say that the greatest feeling is just getting ahold of a ball and sticking hit with the fat part of the bat and making that ball go 500 feet. Not me, I think the greatest feeling is just the ball meeting my glove and the quick swith to the bare and and throw. That is art to me. I love the smell of the ballpark and the dogs that are grilled to perfection. Sun Flower Seeds are the greatest snack ever made, (Nacho cheese ones, Yes!).

    I grew up a surfer dude and was around the beach my whole life. But I was always down to go play baseball before taking my board to the waves. I spent more time with a tennis ball against the garage door than anything I ever did. I wanted to be a professional baseball player at any cost. Like any young boy who loves the sport. I grew up to continue to love the game, and now just love gaining knowledge on how an organization is run. Baseball is a sport where no respecting sports fan can say they dislike it. "Too slow"?!? You suck, just think if you were the 2B right now, where would you throw the ball if a grounder were hit your way? Its a thinking game that requires the pitcher to outsmart the batter. I hope this comes close to what you wanted, but compared to any other sport, which I love them all, baseball is Heaven.

    1) If someone paid you $100 to grow a mullet and keep it for a week, would you do it?

    Even better, I would go out with that hairdo every day. Show the thing off. Enjoy my free $100. I ain't scared. Then again, I am bald and I shave my head every day, so it may be very hard for me to grow a mullett. It would probably turn out like Hulk Hogan.

    2) What is the most disgusting thing you have ever ate?

    WOW, I am not sure on that one. Let me think...

    I have had some interesting food such as; gator, frog legs, oysters, cow tongue, pigs feet. But surprisingly enough the most disgusting thing in the world to me are green beans. I can't stand them things. If I smell them I want to puke.

    3) If offered to choose a part in a movie, would you rather take the tear-jerker drama as the lead that critics would eat up or the fun buddy cop movie guranteed to be a box office hit?

    I would rather the tear jerker all the way. Those guys that can cry and make others feel that way make a movie great. A movie that can touch you enough to make you cry is a movie worth seeing. Comedies are great and to be a Jim carrey or Adam Sandler would be amazing. But I would rather take the Mel Gibson role.

  2. #2
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    bipster, you are next!

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer CincyRedsFan30's Avatar
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    Good stuff...great respones. I think many of them show just how classy you really are.
    The Simpson family gathers around, as Homer places Bart's passed test on the fridge.)

    Homer: We're proud of you, boy.

    Bart: Thanks, Dad. But part of this D-minus belongs to God.

  4. #4
    Putting A-Rod to shame A's Baby Girl's Avatar
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    LOL, being a baseball fan no doubt. But thats not a bad habit. I try my best to accomodate to her needs and her schedule as much as possible. Woman need to know that they are more important. And no doubt she is, but I wish I could have both. But she wants me to herself sometimes, and with her being my all in all, she gets just that.
    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! You get ++++ rep for that. Your wife is very lucky.

  5. #5
    Bullpen Catcher bipster's Avatar
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    very good responses redsrbetter, you da man

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