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Thread: Hot Seat Answers #41 - missionhockey21

  1. #1
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Hot Seat Answers #41 - missionhockey21

    missionhockey21, your Hot Seat questions have been asked in this thread. You have up to 7 days in which to answer these questions, should you choose to do so. Once you have done that, please select the next Hot Seat participant, should you choose to do so. Thank you for participating. The next Hot Seat (#42) will begin on Friday, September 15th, 2006.

  2. #2
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    ghettochild's Questions:

    Q: Whats new? anything changed since your last hotseat?

    A: There hasn't been a ton of new stuff in terms of life defining, mostly insignificant time wasters. Anyway, I'm finally switching out of being undeclared to the school of business administration at UD for a degree in marketing. That would of happened last semester, but I needed to have a particular business math course completed (which I was taking) before the transfer would be fully considered. I will be quite happy when that finally happens. I took a job on the Zoints staff, which is a project that I really believe in and one which will give me some great experience. And as a bit more of a random note, I am taking the time finally to learn Flash 8 (the results on that probably won't happen for awhile though given the complexities of that program and what I want to do with it.)

    Q: Whats the new band you're really listening too latley?
    A: The Gaslight Anthem, previously known as This Charming Man. They have a song called Titanic, which I found to be just fantastic.

    Q. Are the reds fans on this forum going to dominate the hot seat like last year? lol
    A. I hope not, but I think so. Outside of the Reds fans, I think the rest of the forum will stay much more interested in the Hot Seat for a longer time if we get some of the newer faces to talk and keep us Reds fans mixed in here and there. Not to mention the regulars who have yet to have a chance to get in on the fun.

    Fishercat's Questions:

    Q. With the cancellation (and subsequent Emmy screwjob) of Arrested Development, what are your five shows "to watch" this fall on television? Comedy, Drama, anything.

    A. Top five, that's tough considering the amount of shows I record weekly. But looking at just primetime shows I would say The Office, Prison Break, LOST, My Name Is Earl, and .... I don't know. Arrested Development and invasion were canceled (the second half of invasion was pretty terrific), It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Entourage finished their seasons last month, Curb Your Enthusiasm is only in the writing process, and then Scrubs and 24 don't air until mid-season. I guess for a 5th, pick one of The Simpsons, American Dad or Family Guy (as at best, only one of those seem to be of SOMEWHAT high quality during the week.)

    And the new season really hasn't had a lot of shows that I am desperate to watch (NBC has a decent schedule, FOX is bleh, ABC is awful, and CBS has a bit more potential than it usually does.) Jericho and Smith were two dramas that I thought had potential based off the descriptions I read month's ago, as was The Black Donnely's which I am really hyped on based of what I read, but I think that’s a midseason replacement. Andy Barker PI as a midseason replacement looks awesome (a Conan creation with Andy Richter and Tony Hale? That's a winner.) I am not for sure what to think about the Lithgow and Tambor comedy from the teaser, but I would hope with their comedic talents that it would be a worthy watch. But in truth, I really haven't read up too much lately on any of those, and I am sure there will be some new shows that will really impress me.

    Q. How do you feel about Krivsky's performance so far, and which GMs would you swap him for?
    A. So-so in some aspects. He was way too carefree in cutting minor league pitchers and not refilling the farm after the fact. His draft was subpar. And some of his acquisitions lacked obvious statistical investigation (Majewski and Cormier were both pitching with a tremendous amount of luck on their side.) Then let's not forget "the trade." But there have been many things I have liked. His talent eye appears to be quite good as evident of Brandon Phillips, Bronson Arroyo, and Kyle Lohse, all who should be apart of our core for many seasons. He's not afraid to make moves, albeit most of them low-key moves. But I can't help but to feel like luck has a lot to do with it, that's more than a feeling I suppose. Lohse has panned out in a way no one expected and despite fading out of the race as of late, if we had been compositing, the Lohse move would of looked genius while covering up the fact that he never sought a legit addition to the rotation. As far as GM's in place of him, Ryan, Jocketty, Beane. That's in terms of GM's who I think could win in the Reds market (as it's hard to gauge the value of someone like Minaya or any other GM of late who has bolstered their team with talent with a price that other's couldn't afford.

    Q. In S3SL, if you had your choice of any five players with considerations to your team (including prospects and pros), which five would you choose? You assume contract, age, everything to do with him.

    A. SP Josue Martin, SP David Corley, SP Kenneth Easley, SS Nathan Poovey, 2B Dwain MacNeil

    Saber's Question:

    Q. Length?

    A. I haven't heard any complaints...... from your mom (really, what were you expecting was going to follow?)

    Kingdom_of_Zito's Questions:

    Q. Do you run S3SL these days just for the crowd, or do you still enjoy the competitiveness? And who put the hex on me when I signed Pena?
    A. People love it, I hate to break hearts (although it will have to happen sooner than later). I still enjoy managing my team to some degree, but that enjoyment doesn't balance out the amount of work it takes for the league. As for the hex, ask McKain as he bribed me like crazy to edit the league as he see's fit (RF John Glenn is in fact traveling into space this offseason, no joke.)

    Q. An emo-punk-dance band won the best video at the VMA's last night, is the world ending since bubblegum pop and MTV rap lost out? Or did Panic! At the Disco hypnotize America?
    A. I didn't see that coming, I'll have to say that. I guess it was quite the proud day for Peter Wentz's Decaydence records, and there you have your answer hidden in the clue. Decay-dence. Wentz's obviously uses the undead to sneak into unsuspecting American's houses to zombify them into loving PATD (and to make them question if the "!" is truly needed.)

    Q. If you could pick any three players outside of the N.L. and A.L. Central, who would you love to have on the current reds team? (note: using your mind control abilities, you cause the other GMs to release those players allowing Cincinnati to pick them up for the league minimum)
    A. 1. Jered Weaver
    2. Rich Harden
    3. Brandon Webb (That G/F ratio makes me salivate with delight considering the Reds' ballpark.)

    Dry's Questions:

    Q. One poster you would like to kill and then mutilate his body, especally if you couldn't get caught.

    A. This is weak, but I am just not that type to post something like that even in a joking way. Not that I condemn it, but if something did happen to that person, I'd feel beyond awful. To all the various spammers though that have made the admin/mods of this site work a bit harder, I'd have no problem with their PC's being infested with terrible viruses that caused a minor explosion, resulting in the loss of their clicking motion in their fingers.

    Q. Favorite Recent Movie and why...
    A. Damn. I really haven't seen much lately as I've been busy and tired, but I would have to say (pretty easily), Clerks II. Kevin Smith transplanted the Clerks into a new world, with new faces and a new story without missing a beat. The humor carries over, as does the character relationship between Dante and Randall and he's able to do that while creating a story that you care about and had the legs to stand on it's own as a great flick. Yes, I've been ViewAskew fanboy for awhile now.

    Q. Favorite Baseball Game of all time and why...

    A. No classic baseball game really speaks to me like some other sports games (if someone offered a NHL '94 session, I'd be there no matter what prior commitments I had), so I'll have to go with something new. Even if the features aren't all that unique, MVP 2005 nailed what a baseball game should be with gameplay. Sure I wanted to bash my speakers in after hearing the same damn songs over and over again (most of them unlistenable the first time, let alone the 50th) and there are inconsistencies with fielding and such... but it's still damn awesome. It's a game easy to learn, a bit trickier to master and the pitching mechanic was refined to near perfection IMO.

    Daniel's questions:

    Q. Favorite Baseball Player and why?
    A. Ken Griffey Jr., he’s a good man and brings up a lot of special memories. His story has been filled with both magic and tragic, but no matter what, he’s stuck to being himself. A Griffey homerun late in the game gives me chills down my spine like no other player, that swing is still pretty awesome even if a little bat speed has dropped off (and when he’s fresh, I don’t think you can even tell he’s lost any of it.)

    Q. How did you come up with your name?

    A. I originally got on the internet way back when to search out tournaments, equipment, etc for inline hockey and I joined some various forums relating to that. Since it was of that nature I went with the brand I've known and loved since the company's inception (plus I played on a Mission team at the time) and my number as of that time was also shared by favorite active NHL player, Ron Francis who used 21 on the Canes for a bit. It just stuck.

    Q. Funniest moment in your life?

    A. I can't target one moment that really is that memorable to tell (unless you knew the people and the situations better). But I think life in it's purest form is just a comedy of errors for all of us, and it's how you react to those situations that define you as a person.

    DiamondDave's Questions:

    Q. It has been a couple years since we've met on the message boards. What do you think has changed the most about you in that time?

    A. It'll sound clichéd, but it's the truth, I've grown up a lot. Not just in terms of knowing what is needed as a site leader or having the tools and experience to help develop a forum, but as a person. And when a change like that happens, you really start to get your priorities in order (the way they need to be), for both the important and the non-important aspects of life.

    Q. I would like to hear your thoughts on the possible members of the next HOF class for MLB. Which are deserving, who gets in? Who gets in who may not be deserving? Who gets left out who is deserving?
    A. I really haven't analyzed the class in-depthly, but I think it's a given that Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. should go in together. How likely that will happen is another question, since others who have been quite deserving have been snubbed the first time around. You have the Bonilla's and O'Neil's, which I am not sold on. Then you have all the ‘roid users, Big Mac, Caminiti and Canseco.... which is tricky on all of them given the rules at the time. I don't know. I do know that I would love to see Ripken and Gwynn go in together given the positive impact they have had for the game and their communities. They are both shining examples of what a baseball player should be beyond just a great player.

    Q. Are you voting on election day?
    A. If I properly research the candidates, then yes. Nothing more that I can't stand is all the yahoo's who vote with no clue about the issues or the platforms of the campaigns. I'd put it at about 98% chance I will. It's a right that I am lucky enough to have and I am proud I can exercise it.

    777's questions:

    Q. Who will win the NL Wild Card?

    A. At this point, I have to say it's either the Dodgers or the Padres. The Padres have the pitching and I think that's what will lead them to victory over the other teams in the hunt down the September stretch. I really like what I've seen of them, especially when you consider they improved their rotation with the addition of David Wells. I know the offense is a bit of a question at times with PetCo, but I think they'll fare fine.

    Q. How will the Bengals and Palmer do this season?
    A. I am not really a well versed football fan, pretty casual actually, but I think the Bengals have a great chance. As long as Carson can shake off his rust (which he should be able to do just fine), they're a pretty damn solid team overall with youth and some big talent. If Carson was unable to start as early as he did, it would be a different story though. His comeback has been awesome to track.

    General's Questions:

    Q. What's the worst thing about being a Cincinnati sports fan?

    A. Endless suffering. Guys like me or CRF or basically any early 20's fan missed out on the big wins we last saw. 1990? I was just about 5, I remember going, but I didn't comprehend the seriousness of the game or realize how I should savor that moment (for a LONG time.) We've had some of the worst owners in the game that seemed dead-set on breaking our hearts, but the hope is that the tides are turning in the land of Cincy. The Bengals seem to be well on the track to find continued success and hopefully the Reds new owner RCast will ensure that a winner is built for the Great American Ballpark as well.

    Q. Favorite "guilty pleasure" band/group/ensemble?
    A. I can't say that I have one really. Even though I am heavily entrenched in the genre of punk (and to some extent indie), I love to listen to a lot of different types of music. From pop hooks to reggae vibes to classical to about anything. Then again, I like to believe that I fairly good musical taste, so why I would be ashamed about listening to a band?

    Q. Favorite newspaper?
    A. Cincinnati Enquirer, although I really don't have a lot of choices in what I read (that, or the Cincinnati Post, or the Dayton Daily News.) My favorite overall Reds coverage comes from there, but with the world of the net and 24 hour news stations, I really don't feel the need to read the paper overall as I know there are some fantastic papers that you can subscribe to from around the country.

    Leo's Questions:

    Q. Would you prefer a Reds World Series win, followed by 9 years in the basement or 10 straight Reds playoff appearances, but not a single World Series win in those 10 years?

    A. This is possibly the toughest question I’ve seen (other than Saber’s length/girth Q). I would love having the experience of the playoffs every year, the pride in being able to say you have a team in the hunt every year. If I knew that the Reds would not win in any of those 10 years, I would take the WS win. I realize after a few years, the constant teasing of a potential WS win would get old, and the tradeoff of the ultimate victory for 9 seasons of suffering is not so bad because we’re all used to it as Reds fans of late.

    Q. You are named the GM of a new MLB franchise and you have to use strike3 posters as your players. Who plays what position? Who are the starters? how does your 25 man roster shake up?
    A. Other than time concerns, I really hate to exclude people, especially since I would need much more than 25 to include all of our regulars. So I will give you what position I would have you play.

    3B HollywoodLeo- Navy experience, should be physically fit enough to handle to athletic ability needed at the hot corner. Times out at sea either made his focus razor sharp or dull as a butter knife, we'll find out I suppose soon.

    Q. If you had to pick a team other than the Reds to root for who would it be?
    A. Probably the Marlins. When I can really follow the game, I've always casually liked them quite a bit as I saw them several times when my grandparents lived in Miami for a few years. It's a bit different since many of the players I really grew to like (such as Penny, Burnett, Beckett, etc) have moved on elsewhere due to their financial situation. I dig the Red Sox history, Theo Epstein's style, and the fact that they have my Mo Mo. And then the Indians would be nice since they are close enough to me. But really, I couldn't imagine rooting for another team seriously.

    DirtyKash's Questions:

    Q. missionhockey21, you've been with the Strike 3 Empire for quite some time now and I assume that you have a pretty good idea of what each of us is like, I mean really like. If we were all cartoon characters, who would be what and why? I mean, the major players in the S3F Empire.
    A. Same as Leo, I don't want to exclude anyone and that would be a killer amount of time, so I will just answer the question relating to you. If I had to imagine DK as a cartoon character, it would be cartoon Randal Graves from the Clerks Animated Series. Quick with the comeback, clever, experienced with sarcasm, and knows way too much about pop culture.

    Q. The Austin Powers trilogy often makes reference to Austin's mojo. What exactly is "mojo" anyways? Can you describe it? Do only men have them or do women also? And what does it mean to have your mojo rising, working, to lose your mojo, etc.? I'm all ears.
    A. I like a lot of comedies that some hate with a passion, and vice versa, this is an example of that. I saw the first flick years ago, so long ago that I barely remember anything other than Liz Hurley looked pretty hot in it. And the fact that I think my IQ significantly dropped from seeing it. You would have to consult a mojo expert I suppose.

    Q. Have you seen the movie Johnny Mnemonic? I re-watched this on DVD not long ago and it has me wondering a few things. First off, do you think it's really possible to implant a microchip into someone's brain? If so, would we really be able to control that person's state of mind, such as for brainwashing, as well as being able to read his thoughts? What do you think about all this?
    A. With Reeves? I think I saw it a long time ago. But in the near future I don't think that's possible. I am not a scientist nor do I have expertise on the subject of the human brain, but it all seems so flawed. Surgeons can do some pretty amazing things in regards to brain surgery, so I have no doubt that someone could do the physical part of implanting a chip, the only problem is how would that chip interact. Obviously it would send signals to the brain, but I don't think that would be strong enough to totally control one's actions as the human brain is much more complex than I think that flick is wanting the viewer to assume. It's not exactly a robot, all with known variables that we could simply add an attachment to so that the functions are altered. Maybe impulses could be altered temporarily, but the whole Frankenstein under control business I doubt. Not to mention testing such a device would like see many humans have significant loss of function either physically or mentally from the testing and possibly the loss of life. And with reading thoughts, I would imagine they would need to develop a whole new code as to how to read these signals in the brain, and that brings up the question of are they even readable? From what I recall, it was an interesting (albeit flawed) flick that luckily is fun to think about but I doubt will become anything else but our's or Hollywood's imagination.

  3. #3
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    ATLien's Questions:

    Q. Why are all the songs on your charts like over 10 words long?

    A. I can't really answer that, but I'll share an example with everyone:
    The Falcon- I'm So Happy I Could Just Cry Myself To Sleep -or- The Routes We Wander

    Halladay_Is_God's Questions:

    Q. Favourite NHL and/or hockey memory?

    A. Mario Lemieux's cancer comeback, it was then I realized I had an sports idol for both in and out of the game.

    realmofotalk's Questions:

    Q. If you were managing the lineup and rotation of my S3SL D-Rays, what is the one thing you would immediately change?
    A. Honestly, not much. I would consider trading off one of your bigger relievers for an additional starter as you would be starting to get something going for the future with Davidson, Dominguez, soon to be Dalton and player X. I'd bump down Ramirez despite his success as you got to figure Porter and Etsuya will pick it up soon. And I'd play Luera full-time even though Provenzano has down well too. If Luera can learn to hit lefties better, it would be huge for your future offense as you would have several top notch long-term options.

    Q. Where do you rank the Angels' Bill Stoneman among all 30 team GMs in the MLB?
    A. Around 9-11. He's had some luck on his side and a generous owner to sign some big name players so that knocks him a bit, but he does often have a good eye for talent it seems and obviously there is big points to be had for the Angels system over the past few years. But to be honest, I am not of the best opinion to give a fair evaluation of him since I know much more about NL teams in general.

    Q. missionhockey21, you've been the Godfather of the Strike 3 Crime Family for quite some time now and I assume that you have a pretty good idea of what each of us is like, I mean really like. If we were all members in your organization, who would your underboss, consigliere, and captains?

    A. Same as before. But I guess you and the fellow mods would share in the role of Tom Hagen as I do value your opinions on the direction of the site and we're we are heading. The only question is, who is Sonny then?

    Providence A's Questions:

    Q. would you have been offended if I didn't ask you any questions?
    A. Not particularly. With doing about 9 hours of yardwork, attempting to learn Flash 8, doing some work on my job and answering everyone else's questions... you might of earned yourself a thank you if you didn't. Do you see where your active behavior gets you?

    Q. why do you think the hot seat was brought back from the grave?
    A. Like any obsession or addiction, it's almost inevitable that it will one day rise to the surface once again to tempt you back into your old ways.

    Q. what are your feelings and thoughts about the direction / growth of the board in the recent months and the future viability of the board?

    A. I am conflicted in some ways, but that's to be expected as an admin. Other than eventually upgrading to 3.6 (which will be a lot of work in fixing the styles, upgrading hacks), I am happy with the setup of the forum on the whole. We've gained some quality members over the season and then lost a few too (due to inactivity mostly). I am not going to lie and say that I didn't expect more growth this season, but we do have limited exposure. The hope is that we'll eventually reach a tipping point to where the growth will come with ease as people will discover that structurally we're a sound forum with a lot to offer and a great opportunity to meet some new friends. I always dream big with this place, so hopefully it can continue to develop even more so. I am not greatly concerned with the staying power of S3F as I truly believe we have some of the most loyal members you can find.

    Porter99's Questions:

    Q. Do you think Dwain Macneil will work out to his potential?
    A. Probably not, close perhaps, but his development has been painfully slow so far. I think he could become a big bopper though and a key to my future success eventually though.

    Q. What is your greatest CURRENT baseball memory?

    A. Eh, this is tough as I would like to have a Reds one to state. I loved the Marlins 2001 run since I was a big fan of Captain Jack in Cincy, and since I had no extreme ties of love or hate to any team in that postseason, it was a lot of fun to root for the underdog.

    Q. What would be a good deal for Ollie Sanchez in the offseason?

    A. An ace. If you don't get that, then it's not worth it. Either an ace or ace potential. He's just too good to let go for a few just good prospects. He's young enough and his contract isn't killer, so don't sell him unless you can shore up the rotation in the future.

    Rufio's Questions:

    Q. Is MissionHockey21 going to answer any of these questions?
    A. I was tempted not to, but the gun to my head makes me think otherwise.

    Element's Questions:

    Q. Why are you so amazing at graphics?
    A. Amazing is a strong word, but thanks. As for the question, I've always valued placement quite a bit and the belief that you could take several average elements and if arranged properly you would get something a much higher quality visually. But mainly (and this is a reason why I have never actively seek paid design, outside of a lack of time), you got to let a project speak to you. If you feel passion for what you are designing, it will transfer over to your work and the audience will recognize it. I am not saying big flashy effects or whatever necessarily (it doesn’t hurt either), but just in the care that you put into all the elements of the project. The devil is in the design after all.

    Lynch's Questions:

    Q. Hockey: What do you enjoy more, College vs NHL vs the rest of the world and why do you like that style better than the others?
    A. I love the new style of the NHL, it's going to take some time to fully develop but for the good of the game, this best translates to a mainstream audience. If the NHL wants to continue at least the same level they are on the national stage, they just simply have to have a fast paced game designed to keep the action interesting and engaging while making it much easier to follow if you are clueless as to the rules. And I believe with the new rules, we are heading this way.

    Q. Baseball: How many games do you make it to in an average season (if any)? And if you could, would you ever be a season ticket holder for the Reds (might seem like a dumb question, but think about the money and time involved in owning and attending 80 games/year)
    A. Usually, about 10. I live in Dayton and I hate going to Cincy by myself (not that's its an intimidating city, it's just seems pointless to drop all that cash on gas and parking, if I can't enjoy it with family or a buddy.) If I lived in Cincy however and had a well paying job where this wouldn't effect a normal lifestyle, I would consider season tickets without question. Everyone loves the friend with the season tickets, and being able to have 81 days of the year for when I am feeling down that I can perk my spirits with a game, it would be quite the comfort.

    Q. Movies: What is your favorite movie in each of the following genres: Comedy, Sports, Sci-Fi

    A. Comedy: Wow, that's tough. I have so many movies I love from that genre, but I would have to say Young Frankenstein. Pure genius IMO, Wilder+Boyle+Brooks, that's a winner. (Other favorites would include The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and Dumb&Dumber.)
    Sports: The Pride of The Yankees (I really liked Miracle though too.)
    Sci-Fi: The Empire Strikes Back... easily. (Since that's a bit of an almost given answer though. I also like Blade Runner, Brazil and Equilibrium a lot.)

    redsrbetter's Questions:

    Q. Yo mission, what is it about the Marlins that turns you on?
    A. I just addressed that to Leo actually, but I saw the Marlins a good deal (well, other than the Reds, they were the only other team I saw at a home stadium), and I really dug a lot of their younger players from the World Series firesale. I also have nice warm feelings about them with running my Marlins team in the Strike 3 Sim League. Plus, I really like having black hats in my closet.

    Q. If I named my dog Griffey, would that be a jinx on his health? (I really did just buy a dog and named him that, so I was wondering)
    A. If it's a puppy, perhaps that would bring new life and energy to his tired play. We can only hope! (I am blaming the toe injury on your dog by the way.)

    Q. S3f, VeniVidiPinxi, Zoints, and, what else is on your favorites list?
    A. Not much. Baseball Prospectus, Digg, a few blogs, and I used to browse AbsolutePunk quite a bit (not so much this year.) I really don't have the time for much else since S3F takes quite a bit of it.

    Stonedried Questions:

    Q. If you had to pick one person to pass on SBSL that is in the league who would you pass it to?
    A. Fishercat, McKain, or you. I know the last two have experience, and I would trust all three in running the league with integrity.

    Q. Out of all the different twists/gimicks of OOTP leagues you've been in, what type has been your favorite? if there hasn't been a favorite..

    A. I really liked what Crazy was doing, at least a lot of it. Fast sims, a lot of development and the requirement that you have to essentially stay active to keep up. Then again, it seems like running a league on the intensity level like he did is impossible if you are trying to maintain a life (I don't know if he hasn't had access to the net, but I wouldn't blame him if he got burned out.) I will say the worst gimmick though, leagues in which if you donate to the Commish, you can edit various things that you shouldn’t be able to or receive talent boosts for your players.

    Q. If you would start a new OOTP league with a gimick what would it be?

    A. I have a couple ideas, but I imagine anything new I come up with known has been done by now considering how long OOTP has been out.

    Thanks for the questions everyone.

  4. #4
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    Next victim: Element.

  5. #5
    nicely done, mish.. it was a great breather from my 2 hour sessions of reading.

  6. #6
    GFX guru is back. Element's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21
    Next victim: Element.

    I thought that line about not being picked yet would help.... Not even picked by my fellow M's fans.......
    Mariners Artwork | Request a Sig
    Circular logic aside, Mr Mims, you have yet to provide a single credible reason why you are, in fact, hot.

  7. #7
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    Truth be told, I had no clue you had yet to go as I knew I missed a few Hot Seat's.

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer McKain's Avatar
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    I have another question to ask.

    A demand, rather.

    Link me to your account so I can critique your music tastes brutally

  9. #9
    That was an enjoyable read.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  10. #10
    Hall of Famer CincyRedsFan30's Avatar
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    Nice answers, mission.

    I think they really show what kind of a person you are.
    The Simpson family gathers around, as Homer places Bart's passed test on the fridge.)

    Homer: We're proud of you, boy.

    Bart: Thanks, Dad. But part of this D-minus belongs to God.

  11. #11
    I'm gunnin' for ya! Lynch's Avatar
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    Great answers Mission!

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