Every offseason, I try to gather the best fantasy-baseball advice from around the globe so I can bring it to you, the sexy reader, in a nice bow-wrapped, joke-infused bundle. I scour the Web for advice, send carrier pigeons to the Far East (heavy gifts tied to their toes as compensation for their wisdom), and e-mail the great analytical minds around today. And this year, as usual, all of my queries have gone unanswered. Thus, I've had to write an e-mail to the only baseball expert who truly cares: myself.

Dear Rick:

What would your ideal fantasy-baseball lineup be if you had to create it using only characters from classic Nintendo video games?

Yours truly,

Great question. Important and controversial. Consider it answered.
Starting Lineup
1. Mega Man, CF
2. Link from Zelda, SS
3. Bald Bull from Mike Tyson's Punch Out, DH
4. Donkey Kong Jr., RF
5. Thomas from Kung Fu, 3B
6. Dog from Duck Hunt, 1B
7. Kirby from Kirby's Big Adventure, C
8. Toad from Super Mario Brothers, LF
9. Mario from Super Mario Brothers, 2B

Starting Rotation
1. Samus Aran from Metroid
2. Simon Belmont from Castlevania
3. King Bowser from Super Mario Brothers
4. Luigi from Super Mario Brothers
5. Great Tiger from Mike Tyson's Punch Out

Middle Relief
Glass Joe from Mike Tyson's Punch Out

Pit from Kid Icarus

Donkey Kong

I guess with a starting rotation like that you don't need any setup men. If you click the link it gives you about a paragraph on each player.