Congratulations, redsrdaddy
Congratulations, redsrdaddy
Marshall: MILSWANCAs?
Ted: Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
Barney: Circle gets the square!
The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.
Thanks guys!
As for names, we haven't picked a girl name yet. But if it is a boy we are going with Noah
Hey congrats and hope everything goes well for you and wife and the one on the way!!
I think the child's should be Brewer. hahaha. j/k!!!
Hope for good health. GOD Bless!
Good point. I just love the name because it is rare and a strong biblical name. Plus there has only been one player in baseball named Noah. Can anyone name him?
Reefer, where you at? Pretty easy....
Noah Lowry!
.: My
Congrats RedsR!
Exciting stuff (we've got 3 boys) and while your life completely changes you wouldn't trade it for the world. My oldest started Kindergarten this year-makes me feel old.
We've had 2 here in Cheyenne, and 1 in Ft. Collins. If you have the chance consider going to Ft. Collins. The experience is much better, and was less worrisome. PM for more info if you want.
I actually have like 2 students named Noah and they are in the same class.
Congrats redsr! You must be pretty psyched. I know that my older bro the name too. God bless the child! (and his parents!)