We have a multi-tiered attack for the interwebs, we first found our forum of loveable misfits and outcasts (we're like the cute puppy pound, face it) and now our very own MySpace page.... what's next, our own space program? If I was NASA, needless to say, I'd be shaking in my space boots.
So if you have a MySpace page, add us to your network, make a comment and send us onto your friends who dig baseball and might consider joining the site. We all would love to have more fans here to talk about the game we love, so it would be VERY much appreciated if you did that. Plus, the more friends and comments we have, the cooler we look and the better chance we have of hooking the forum up with the hot cheerleader forum.
We promise though, no matter how popular our profile is, we will not take emo-esque pictures of the forum with overgrown bangs covering one side of the forum's moody face. Pinky swear.
We are now on Facebook! Giantsfan5689 created a group for us that is very aptly titled "Strike 3 Forums" so search, join, and get all you buddies to join too. If you have any suggestions for the group, let me know.
New: We are now on Twitter. Click to follow us, stalk us, whatever you crazy kids are doing these days.