Has me wondering who the President is during this time.

Ok, 2011, new ownership and hopefully new players(preferbly younger maybe?) and for now the goal is to be competitive. Granted, catching the ball is a struggle and stealing bases are just a thing of the past. These fundamentals won't be completely lost this season.

C: Kelly Shoppach
1B: Richie Sexson, mainly cause he has some serious range.
2B: Rickie Weeks
SS: Alex Cintron
3B: Ty Wigginton
LF: Carlos Lee, again a defensive issue
CF: Preston Wilson, see Lee and Sexson
RF: Ben Harrison, once healthy
DH: Xavier Paul

OF/DH- Will Smith, great knowing the singer is a better fielder though.
3B- Corey Smith
C- Trent Kline
OF/TRAIN NOISE- Choo Freeman, I hope it's not his real first name. Choo? Choo.

1. Roy Halladay, such a lovely work horse.
2. Brandon Lauer
3. Hector Valencia
4. Edwin Jackson, lmfao at losing 20 games.
5. Mark Redman

Mop Up
Runelvys Hernandez, RUN ELVYS RUN!

Bull Pen
John Patterson
Brian Bruney
Brad Baisley
Shane Loux

Set Up
Logan Kensing

Ryan Bukvich, son of a Bukvich no less