that's just what I understood the reasoning to be. Wasn't really saying I believed it.
Miami has a lot of tennis players down there.
They can really put some good spin on things.
Meanwhile, Loria is hundreds of millions richer if and when he sells the Marlins, thanks to his new toy that everyone else will be paying for a long time. What a country.The ugliness of the ballpark debt was apparent long before the documents surfaced. To help fund the $634 million stadium complex, Miami-Dade County commissioners voted to secure more than $400 million in loans, most of which are loaded with balloon payments. The worst is a $91 million loan that will take $1.2 billion to pay off. By 2049, the county will have spent $2.4 billion to cover its portion of the stadium.
(for those who don't listen to Jim Rome, BOHICA stands for Bend Over Here It Comes Again)
3 hour game delay, water standing at the foul lines and outfield. I think 3 people stayed.
All 3 of them who were in attendance? (Just kidding.) That stadium is a dump.
And the Marlins were nice they allowed them to move down right behind home plate.
Whoa, I just spotted another 4.
Recall that Florida taxpayers once balked at building a ballpark for Huizenga that would have cost $350 million, half of the cost of Loria's new ballpark. IMHO, MLB missed out on the 1980's when there was more than enough drug money going into the banks to build a palace for a team in Miami.
Having a new stadium will help the city and bring in more people to your stadium. Growing your fan base.