I was watching Sportscenter last night for one purpose and that was to see the Hot Stove report. All this week ESPN was going to go through a division a night and give the recent hot stove updates. Last night they had the NL East and only talked about three teams! That's it? Three teams? I know the Nationals and Marlins aren't the sexiest of teams but they still reside in the East and fans of baseball would liek to know what is up their sleeves. Its bullshit!! Are they going to do this with every division?? Just omit teams? Another thing that pissed me off is that all the reports came via the telephone. Gammons, Phillips and Kurkjian all gave their reports over a phone with terrible sound. Is it too much to ask for a live feed or to have it done on video? Baseball fans want to know what their teams are doing to better themselves. They don;t want to hear what a few choice teams are doing and to hear it through a muffled phone call. Why can't they get their baseball coverage right??