I have grieved long enough. I will miss S3SL and will have to just let it go as a failure for me.
Are we ready to move on?
I personally would prefer a brand new OOTP 6.5 league w/ either the Cubbyfan roster set from 05 or 06...(the one S3SL and MSL started with) or the 1987 & Beyond roster set.
I would endorse Provie as the Commissioner should he be willing and able.
I would probably be willing to do my second S3SL partnership if this plan were executed. I have been waiting to see a couple of things play out... The first being this league, the second being KoZ's waning level of interest (coupled with my own), and the third being General's attention to HSL.
I'm not sure how all of those issues will play out, but the board has seemed at it's deadest point ever over the past three odd weeks.
Do we have enough desire for OOTP left in us? Would a brand new league re-invigorate us?
All just questions I pose to initiate discussion and get back to where we used to be with three thriving and active leagues.