Just curious on these players:
SP Sarabia
SP Rayborn
OF Pie
CL Egea
Just curious on these players:
SP Sarabia
SP Rayborn
OF Pie
CL Egea
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
Wants to know your offer
8.15 mil per for 3
Wants to know your offer
.: My Last.fm
Ugh... I'll be back. I want rayborn, but not at that price. I'll think out some offers.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
Pie 1 mil per for 2 years
Egea 7.5 mil per for 4 years
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
Sarabia 1.5 mil per for 1 year
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
Signed at 4 mil per for 4 for you. (Fore.)
Signed at 1 mil per for 1.
.: My Last.fm
Egea was cheaper than I expected... I was expecting him to be a tough sign. Thanks berny, you're a pal.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
See if Rayborn will sign at 4.5 per for 3 years... I don't see him getting 8 mil from anyone in free agency with the season he had...
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
Demands dropped bigtime with Mr. Rayborn, he signed at 3.1 mil per for 3.
.: My Last.fm
Perfectly acceptable. Thanks. I can keep him aboard at 3.1... not at 8.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
I almost missed him...
RP Shawn Aquino
If cheap enough I'll sign him
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
.890 mil per for 2
.: My Last.fm
definate sign. his star rating is down, but he was effective... I'll keep him aboard at that price.
S3SL: Cincinnati Reds GM 2014-present
TSSL: Oakland A's GM 2006-present
TPSL: San Francisco Baseball Giants 2007-present
.: My Last.fm