I recently finished the Percy Jackson series. I read all 5 books in about a month. They were much better than I thought. I usually don't enjoy Greek Mythology, but these books did keep my interest. I would recommend them.
I recently finished the Percy Jackson series. I read all 5 books in about a month. They were much better than I thought. I usually don't enjoy Greek Mythology, but these books did keep my interest. I would recommend them.
I just finished reading "The Chamber" by John Grisham. I'm a huge Grisham fan and have now read all but a couple of his books. Although they all tell great stories, every now and then one will hit you right at home. My most recent read certainly falls into that category. I would recommend it very highly, and I'd be willing to say that's it's in the running for my favorite Grisham novel with "A Time to Kill", "A Painted House", and "The Partner".
Just before that, I read "Ford County", also by Grisham. It is a collection of seven short stories that attempt to explain and portray the people of Ford County, Mississippi, a prominent area in many of Grisham's novels. It is a very good and quick read.
Also finished "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown not too long ago, and it too was a very good book. It by no means reaches the level of "Angels and Demons", but still a very worthwhile read. And, as all of Dan Brown's novels, was hard to put down.
Just picked up "He Crashed Me So I Crashed Him Back" by Mark Bechtel. A look back at the early days of NASCAR, and the 1979 season that brought the sport to the big time after the first live Daytona 500 on CBS.
Tiny Lund speaking to Curtis Turner well holding him in a lake at the infield of Lakewood Speedway, south of Atlanta.Yeah, but you don't have to fix your goddamned race car. You don't depend on it for a living. That old raggedy race car is all I got. You got that sonofa***** tore up, and now I'm fixing to drown your ass"
I finished Stephen King's The Stand. I liked it so much that I might need to pick up the extended version (I was reading the original.) If you like LOST, I would definitely recommend checking it out. Easily the best apocalyptic novel I have ever read.
I just started reading Delivering Happiness, by the CEO of Zappos, which has been great so far.
.: My Last.fm
David Cross' "I Drink for a Reason"
I read Hustle, all about Pete Rose. I enjoyed this book as it added a lot of details to the situation that I was not aware of and that seem to be glazed over when writers today talk about Rose.
.: My Last.fm
Just finished up Ham On Rye by Bukowski. One of those books that I had for awhile, but never got around to. I'm glad I finally did though because it was an excellent read with another Bukowski's anti-hero.
.: My Last.fm
Hey I still read.
The Art of Fielding, by Chad Harbach
The Bullpen Gospels, by Dirk Hayhurst.
Good, but not as great as the hype.
"Better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"