On occasion, I feel the need to find the big red bell and solicit for cash on the street, like the dirty tramp you all know me to be. If you like the site and are in a position to donate, please consider it. Any money we receive is used either for paying the server costs or for outsourcing any development work I can't complete so that we can improve the site. If you can't donate, that is fine too and your participation and activity is frankly worth more than a donation so don't sweat it.
And if you can't give $10 or $25, let's say just $5, we are flexible and we can figure something out, we'll just have to do it over PM, same way if you would like to give a bit more.
If you're interested though, check out this page:
Tags - Premium Accounts - Join La Revolución
I will note that the partners only forum isn't exactly a hotbed of activity, but hopefully that would change if a few more were to sign up.