Quote: "These players are being paid a lot of money and they had better decide for themselves to earn that money."
If there's anyone to listen to about earning what you get, it's Hank Steinbrenner. He didn't get all the way up to senior vice president of the Yankees by luck! He had to push and fight his way out of his mother's birth canal.

Quote: "This is going to get turned around. If it's not turned around this year, then it will be turned around next year, by force if we have to."
Hank Steinbrenner has the bomb!

"We have good professional hitters, and I have a lot of faith in them. I'm not saying they are not giving the effort, but they need to be playing harder."
Translation: Anyone who has ever played baseball knows that success is all about playing baseball HARDER. I'm going to be more selective at the plate HARDER! I'm going to get that sacrifice bunt down HARDER! I'm going to field this ground ball HARDER! RRRRAAAAWWWGGGGHHH!

"We've got to forget about all the injuries and start playing our butts off."
Translation: Yeah, like A-Rod. When he tried to play through that quad injury and only made it worse and had to go on the DL. The Yankees need more of that, and fast!

Quote: "[We have] got to start playing the way the Rays are playing."
OK. That's it. After 106 seasons and 26 World Series championships, the mystique has officially died. The New York Yankees want to be the Tampa Bay Rays.
