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Thread: This Week in Review with RLA68 April 30th

  1. #1

    This Week in Review with RLA68 April 30th

    Yankee fans once agan the positives are not plentiful. We went 3-3 for the week and are 10-14 for the season that puts out 6.5 out of first place.

    ARod did go 10-22 with 5 hrs for the week. He has 9 hrs for the year with a .304 average.

    RJ had two good outings but the second of his starts we were shutout by Halladay of the BlueJays.

    We beat Texas 11-1 behind 14 hits including a 3 hit game from Jeter. RJ had a 8 inning 3 hit 1 run performance.


    We beat the Angles 12-4. Wish we would have saved a couple of those runs for the next games. ARod had 3 hrs and 10 RBIs. Pavano turned in 7 IPs 7 hits and 3 runs.

    We lost to the Angles 5-1. A lot of missed opportunities incluing a first inning Jeter thrown out at home with no one out. A mistake by 3rd base Coach Sojo to send him. We managed 9 hits and left 7 on base. Moose was not sharp as he pitched 7 IP 5 runs allowing 10 hits.

    We again lost to the Angles this time 3-1. This clinched a losing record for April. We managed 8 hits and left 10 men on base. This was disappointing as Brown pitched 7 IP 3 runs allowing 8 hits. We may not get too many good outings especially vs the top tier teams from him like that.

    We lost to Toronto 2-0. We managed 3 hits and left 5 on base. Halladay was made to look like a legit Cy Young candidate. How many pitchers have we propped up for that this year so far? RJ 9 IP 7 hits 2 runs.

    We beat Toronto 4-3 on a Womack game winning hit in the 9th. I was close to file missing offense report with the FBI. I am thrilled with the Rookie Wang as he put in his MLB debut 7 IP 6 hits 2 BB and only 2 runs. Gordon blew the save opportunity but a win is a win.

  2. #2
    Information courteousy of ESPN.Com

    4/24/05 Placed pitcher Jaret Wright on the disabled list with a right shoulder strain; recalled pitcher Colter Bean from Columbus of the International League (AAA).

  3. #3
    The outlook: 1 with Toronto. I look for a good outing from Pavano. 4 with Tampa Bay. I really look to get in some good outings there. 2 with Oakland. Oakland does not scare me. This week we do not face any tough offenses. I would be disappointed with any less than 5 wins but I predict a 6-1 week.

    Some points:
    24 games is not a lot but it starts to shape what kind of a season a player is having.
    Batting averages
    Jeter .344
    Sheff .330
    ARod .304
    Womack .280
    Matsui .250 in a huge slump
    Posada .244
    Williams .238
    Tino .238
    Giambi .224 has go to pick it up

    Obvious why we have a hard time scoring runs when half the lineup is in a big slump.

  4. #4
    New York Yankee Hater!!!! mntwinsfan's Avatar
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    Hey the Twins started slow as well. Finally we have picked it up. With the firepower you guys have you will be fine. Just off to a slow start.. Damn I don't know why i am posting here. Anyways, it is a long season just hope for no big injuries to your sp's.
    KBSL - Atlanta Hawks
    Arizona gm - MSL

  5. #5
    The Twins are overachievers. At this point is not fair to mention them and the underachieving Yankees in the same post, IMO.

    Santana is showing he for real and the good defense and solid pitching will keep the Twins in the hunt to stay on top of the Central again.

  6. #6
    New York Yankee Hater!!!! mntwinsfan's Avatar
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    How are the Twins Overachievers? Explain that every year we have had a divison winning team, and we should have had another ws win except for the homer that put us out and LA win it all. We have a real good team. overachievers I don't think so.
    KBSL - Atlanta Hawks
    Arizona gm - MSL

  7. #7
    It was not an insult. The Twins lose players each year and still manage to win their division along be competitive in the playoffs. The Yankees and RedSox with their payrolls and addition of superstars are expected to win.

  8. #8
    New York Yankee Hater!!!! mntwinsfan's Avatar
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    Denver Colorado
    ok. Just sounded differently.
    KBSL - Atlanta Hawks
    Arizona gm - MSL

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