I have long dreamed of the perfect all-time baseball team. I have taken a liking to a lot of people's thoughts and musings along the way. Like Rob Neyer's book on all-time greatest players at each position for every major league team.
I thought would could have our own B/S version of who we collectively believe is the all-time greatest.
The game is simple. I will list each MLB team, and we will collectively name a player within that thread's position category for each team. To the right of the player's name, we will list three very key stats.
For pitchers: (ERA, WHIP, K/IP) In that order...
For hitters: (AVG, OBP, OPS) In that order...
The rules: The statistics listed have to be given for the player's tenure on the team you are qualifying him for. For example, Babe Ruth can be listed ofr the Red Sox or Braves. When listing his credentials, do not list his career numbers. Only list his Red Sox numbers if you wish to call him the greatest LF in Red Sox history. Or list his Yankee career numbers if you feel he was the greatest Yankee LF in history.
The player has to have played the position you are giving him for at least the majority of his tenure. Example, listing Ken Griffey Jr as a RF and Ichiro as a CF for the M's will not work. Vice versa, will work.
Finally, there will be arguments on this list. The remedy? We will simply cure this through the stats. If someone lists player A as the best SP on the DBacks and another argues that player B is. The pitcher with the best stats wins. Plain and simple. Knowing that each player may have better numbers in one stat than another and less favorable numbers in a second stat than that same other, we will list the stats with the greatest of importance for you.
For pitchers:
ERA is first
WHIP is second
K/ip is third
For hitters:
OPS is first
OBP is second
AVG is third
And thats that. Now, let's get this thing started shall we? We start our dynasty out with position #1. The SP, and more prominantly called the "ace." We will fill out an entire rotation for every MLB team, so be sure to find the very best of the best for this first round.
P.S. One player can only be assigned to one team and one position. There is no cloning allowed in baseball.
We will break down by division first: Let's start with the incredible AL East:
1. Blue Jays:
2. Orioles:
3. Rays:
4. Red Sox:
5. Yankees: