I knew your mind shut down after you read "New York" in Leo's comment so thanks for proving it. If you want to go back and read it, Leo wrote about Pujols and why he didn;t get any face time saying "He doesn't play in New York and
Boston." referring to the East Coast bias that according to you and only you doesn't exist.
No such thing as an East Coast bias in baseball so says the Yankee fan
The rest of America somehow thinks otherwise and even the folks at ESPN who prolong this bias acknowledge it. Listen to the Mike Tirico and SVP Show and they admit it all the time! Micheal Wilbon shows his frustration on PTI during the baseball season. They are tired of it but yet do nothing to do about it. Its not just West Coast fans that "whine" about the obvious, its everyone who doesn't live in the north east. I live in the heartland and everyone will agree there is an East Coast bias in baseball. Not debatable and I'm not going to do so with an nonobjective Yankee homer who can only call people Yankee bashers when they disagree.
Short series have little to do with whether they get good ratings or not. Marketing has more to do with it. You know ratings are based on the individual games and not the series as a whole? Of course if the series did go to a Game 7, more people would watch that individual game but has no reflection on the series as a whole. Game 6, not so much as the ratings prove. Most clinching game gets the most ratings whether its a short series or not.
World Series television ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks for missing the entire point of this thread and derailing it