View Poll Results: OBP or SLG?

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  • Slugging Percentage

    1 20.00%
  • On Base Percentage

    4 80.00%
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Thread: What's More Important, OBP, or SLG?

  1. #16
    Hall of Famer McKain's Avatar
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    Shit, I actually just checked with the statistician I mentioned, SLG is actually moderately better as an indicator of runs scored in the sample he used (2001-2003).

  2. #17
    Hall of Famer GiantsFanatic's Avatar
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    whats the point of making this thread? when its irevelent to compare thos two, its like comparing ichiro to bonds, when both are good at what they do.

  3. #18
    Token White Guy Dam8610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GiantsFan83
    whats the point of making this thread? when its irevelent to compare thos two, its like comparing ichiro to bonds, when both are good at what they do.
    The point is Dry is a crybaby who can't admit when he's wrong, so instead of doing that, he has to go and make a thread trying to prove the other party (in this case me) wrong in his eyes by completely misconstruing and misrepresenting the other side of the argument.

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  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Dam8610
    The point is Dry is a crybaby who can't admit when he's wrong, so instead of doing that, he has to go and make a thread trying to prove the other party (in this case me) wrong in his eyes by completely misconstruing and misrepresenting the other side of the argument.

    In summary.

    Dry is a pussy.

  5. #20
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Wow, you are so witty with your personal attacks.

    And, instead of mentioning both sides of the argument, Dam has conveiniently forgotten the ultimatum he gave me. He said "either Dye is an all-star because of his SLG, or Konerko deserves to go as another 1B." I pointed out that it all depends on which stat one ways as more important: A stat like OBP, especially in 1B, is much more important than SLG. That statement, which I never really explained to Dam, is assinine in its basics. It requires assumption, which requires a bit of intelligence, and it's obvious Dam has none, at least to me. But I digress. The only reason I said OBP was more important, is because, I suppose, like an idiot, I assumed most 1st basemen would have a good SLG, and in fact, with Konerko and Giambi, the difference is negligible. But, it was an argument on semantics, one that he gave me an ultimatum in, and which I explained to Dam, Dye doesn't deserve to go because of his slugging. I pointed out how Trot Nixon is Top 5 in OBP, and has a higher average, and therefore wouldn't he warrant consideration also? Instead of pointing out OPS at all, Dam proceeded to tell me slugging was more important, which is why I made this thread.

  6. #21
    slugging percentage is more important.

  7. #22
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Not that I really care what you think, but it's nice to see you posted.

  8. #23
    Thanks man. Just wasting time till Dam destroys your argument.

  9. #24
    Token White Guy Dam8610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Wow, you are so witty with your personal attacks.
    Thanks, I try.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    And, instead of mentioning both sides of the argument, Dam has conveiniently forgotten the ultimatum he gave me. He said "either Dye is an all-star because of his SLG, or Konerko deserves to go as another 1B."
    Now you're making me wish I'd saved that IM so I could quote you directly. To paraphrase what you said to me:

    Dry: Giambi has a better OBP, a better SLG, a better OPS, more HR, and more RBI (than Paul Konerko)

    Dam: Oh, but none of that matters.
    Dam: Remember?
    Dam: Or are we forgetting Jermaine Dye so quickly?

    This is what basically led to that ultimatum, which I still stand by.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    I pointed out that it all depends on which stat one ways as more important: A stat like OBP, especially in 1B, is much more important than SLG.
    I just said what you pointed out, which is what led to that ultimatum. Why must you lie?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    That statement, which I never really explained to Dam, is assinine in its basics.
    I agree. It is assanine to look for high OBP over high SLG at a power position.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    It requires assumption, which requires a bit of intelligence, and it's obvious Dam has none, at least to me.
    What were you saying about personal attacks earlier? By the way, ouch, you really bruised my ego with that stinging blow. I'm really not concerned if the kid on the short bus thinks that I'm not smart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    But I digress. The only reason I said OBP was more important, is because, I suppose, like an idiot, I assumed most 1st basemen would have a good SLG
    See: John Olerud

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    and in fact, with Konerko and Giambi, the difference is negligible.
    What does that have to do with the point that was being argued?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    But, it was an argument on semantics
    No it wasn't, it was an argument over whether or not Dye is an All-Star, which I still can't believe I had considering the numbers Dye has put up this year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    one that he gave me an ultimatum in
    True, and I stand by it. You can make your choice any time now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    and which I explained to Dam, Dye doesn't deserve to go because of his slugging.
    I can't believe how much you lie. You said Dye didn't deserve to go because of his OBP. To paraphrase:

    Dry: See, I can have it both ways, because Dye is 4th among OF in OBP, and therefore is not worthy of a spot

    Again, I wish I'd saved the convo so I could quote you directly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    I pointed out how Trot Nixon is Top 5 in OBP, and has a higher average, and therefore wouldn't he warrant consideration also?
    And I told you no he didn't because his power numbers sucked, and therefore his OPS sucks, and he's not a leadoff type like Ichiro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Instead of pointing out OPS at all, Dam proceeded to tell me slugging was more important, which is why I made this thread.
    I hate how much you lie. I couldn't count on both my hands how many times I told you that Dye was 5th in the AL in OPS. You really need to grow the hell up if you think deception makes you look good and polls on an internet message board make you right.

    Carlos Quentin for MVP!

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  10. #25
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Oh you say I lie? DUMBASS GO LOOK IN THE OTHER ****ING THREAD. Your a whiny little *****, and I predicted your outcome the first ****ing post I made. You still don't seem to understand, the only reason I said Giambi's OBP makes him more deserving of an allstar berth is because there is little to no difference in their slugging. Sadly, you ignored that, and like I just pointed out, IT IS an argument of semantics you ass, because if I think OBP is worth more and you think SLG is worth more, then the players don't matter.

    As far as breaking down arguments, it seems like I present a point, you come in and, like Rock, call me a pussy or an idiot, and meanwhile never really present your own point, just attack mine. Yet, when you do choose to present your point, even an opinion, please try to have a thought not connected to anything I've said so everyone can see how little logic your arguments contain.

  11. #26
    Token White Guy Dam8610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Oh you say I lie? DUMBASS GO LOOK IN THE OTHER ****ING THREAD. Your a whiny little *****, and I predicted your outcome the first ****ing post I made. You still don't seem to understand, the only reason I said Giambi's OBP makes him more deserving of an allstar berth is because there is little to no difference in their slugging. Sadly, you ignored that, and like I just pointed out, IT IS an argument of semantics you ass, because if I think OBP is worth more and you think SLG is worth more, then the players don't matter.
    I find it hilarious how angry you're getting over this. You lie and you don't understand my side of the argument apparently, then because I call you out on these things, you get upset and throw a temper tantrum, a sure sign of a mature, mentally stable person. I agree with you that Giambi is more deserving of an All-Star berth than Konerko (you're shocked by that, aren't you?), because his OPS is higher, he has more HRs, more RBIs, etc. Using this same logic, however, you would have to come to the conclusion that Jermaine Dye is deserving of an All-Star berth as well, considering how highly he ranks in every major AL category other than BA (in other words, he's the OF version of Giambi, but with a 30 or so point higher BA). The argument was whether or not Jermaine Dye was an All-Star, and I used Giambi as a reference point to why Dye was worthy, but you were unable to grasp that. It had nothing to do with semantics. Semantics is about the usage of language and/or symbols, and there's very little (if any) room for interpretation in the terms we used. I suppose that's yet another concept that escapes your feeble mind though. By the way, what did you predict? That I would say that Jermaine Dye is worthy of an All-Star berth? Find me one unbiased person here that thinks he isn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    As far as breaking down arguments, it seems like I present a point, you come in and, like Rock, call me a pussy or an idiot, and meanwhile never really present your own point, just attack mine.
    Maybe in your own little world. My argument is and has been since before this thread was started that Jermaine Dye is worthy of an All-Star berth, and if you haven't seen my arguments to back up that point, you're simply not paying attention. By the way, Rock called you a pussy, I called you a feeb because you seem to be unable to comprehend simple points when they're presented to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Yet, when you do choose to present your point, even an opinion, please try to have a thought not connected to anything I've said so everyone can see how little logic your arguments contain.
    So first I don't present my points, then I do present my points. How about you make up your mind? Also, my thoughts are not connected to yours, but rather in opposition to them because of how irrational, illogical, idiotic, and downright biased they are. If you think Giambi is an All-Star, then by any form of logic, reason, intelligence, and/or impartiality, you would have to think Dye is an All-Star as well. You, however don't, yet you say I don't possess logic. Maybe you need to look up the definition of logic. Sorry, but I'm not giving this one to you like I did with semantics.

    Carlos Quentin for MVP!

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  12. #27
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Like I said, you merely quote me, and then attempt to rip down my posts without putting something out there yourself. You really must not read what I write.

    And as far as that last little section you quoted, I was stating you don't but when you do, make it unbiased so everyone can see how stupid you are. Then you go and misread my post, show you're an idiot, and then use the exact same words to try and attack me I just used in the previous thread. Maybe once you and your little minions are done with your naked mud wrestling, you could ask one of them what the stupidest thing someone can do in Smak. I'm sure you realize the only people who go "You're stupid" "No You're Stupid" are 5 year olds. But, like the Stupid Voting Thread, I'm leaving this one, because once again your childish behavior and stupidity has ruined another thread on this site, and I choose to not waste my time sifting through that garbage you call "your opinion."

  13. #28
    Token White Guy Dam8610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Like I said, you merely quote me, and then attempt to rip down my posts without putting something out there yourself. You really must not read what I write.
    First off, read the thread. I presented my argument on page 1. Secondly, have you ever argued before? "Ripping down your posts" is what I'm here for, because I know you're wrong. All I'm doing is making it abundantly clear to those who may have originally been on your side of the argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    And as far as that last little section you quoted, I was stating you don't but when you do, make it unbiased so everyone can see how stupid you are.
    What the hell are you talking about? "I don't but when I do". Again, make up your mind. As far as how "stupid" I am, am I the one using two entirely different criteria to judge All-Stars at 1B vs. All-Stars at RF, both of which are traditional power positions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Then you go and misread my post, show you're an idiot, and then use the exact same words to try and attack me I just used in the previous thread.
    Misread your post? No, I read it quite clearly. You reacted as I would expect any irrational, illogical, biased fool to react. Again, why should I care if the kid on the short bus calls me feeble minded and/or stupid?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    Maybe once you and your little minions are done with your naked mud wrestling, you could ask one of them what the stupidest thing someone can do in Smak.
    Yet another concept escapes the grasp of Dry. Tell me Dry, is this in the Smack forum?

    Oh, and stop fantasizing about me mud wrestling naked with other men. I know the thought of it turns you on, but it's just not going to happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    I'm sure you realize the only people who go "You're stupid" "No You're Stupid" are 5 year olds.
    I called you feeble minded and slow because you were incapable of grasping simple concepts, i.e. what forum this thread is in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    But, like the Stupid Voting Thread, I'm leaving this one, because once again your childish behavior and stupidity has ruined another thread on this site, and I choose to not waste my time sifting through that garbage you call "your opinion."
    By "childish behavior and stupidty", I assume you mean "valid points and solid arguments"? Because other than pointing out your incapability to grasp the obvious, that's all I've done on this thread. I'll accept your apology and admittance of Jermaine Dye's All-Star caliber season whenever you're ready to admit you're wrong.

    Carlos Quentin for MVP!

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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