what's this?
what's this?
2072 MSL Gold Glove Winner
The draft order will be out tomorrow, unless Mach or Griddles posts one before then. Tagging is in the matching stage now, according to the timeline.
which tagged/tendered players were bid on?
2072 MSL Gold Glove Winner
Tagged guys? I think it was just Harris, but I'll have to check.
Harris was a tender I thought?
2072 MSL Gold Glove Winner
Tagged offer sheets:
CB Chris Harris (DEN)
Untagged Signings:
LB Spencer Pasinger (GB)
WR Andrew Hawkins (KC) - 1MM
LB Josh Bynes (MIN)
That would be all for that wave...(kinda disappointing, eh?)
The untaggeds will still be active for now since there was some confusion. Once Denver makes a call, I guess that's that for that.
2072 MSL Gold Glove Winner
With comp picks?
Mach and Griddles are doing comp picks(I think), but I have all the other stuff done.
yessir. Comp picks will be done sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe Thursday.
2072 MSL Gold Glove Winner