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Thread: trade idea

  1. #1

    trade idea

    reading some of the buzz up here in boston, what the redsox (one of the few teams with extra starters) are looking for is a right handed platoon mate for trot nixon in right field who could hopefully take over full time next season and beyond when nixon is gone. the answer: austin kearns.

    the deal i would offer is kearns for arroyo straight up after arroyo just signed a sweetheart 3 year deal for less than 12 mil. Kearns fits their needs perfectly and arroyo will be a solid starter for the reds for 3 years.

    he had a bit of a down year last year, but with the help of moving to the NL and continuing to improve (which everyone including varitek say he is) he could easily put up Claussen+ numbers consistently.

    We're never going to trade for an ace, and this makes us better right now and in the future. With our offense we don't need to be the best pitching staff in the league, but we need to have a staff ERA around or below 4.5. Adding williams and arroyo would do a lot for getting us there. convert wilson or milton to a reliever and go with:

    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

  2. #2
    Dusty sucks redsfan28's Avatar
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    I'm not a big fan of Arroyo, so I'd have to say no. Besides, I'm not sold on anyone else besides Kearns in RF (i.e. Denorfia, Freel, etc.).

  3. #3
    Team Leader Witlon's Avatar
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    Arroyo got a "hand shake no trade clause"(Unofficial, because the Sox don't give NTC's) with Boston. It's highly doubtful he'll go anywhere.

    I like this deal for both teams though, especially with Cincy's extra outfield depth the in the minors, as well.

  4. #4
    I'm not a huge fan of the deal...not because of the talent, I think that the Sox get the better end, but it would be pretty screwy of the Sox to sign him, tell him he's staying around, then deal him.

    Then out of fairness to the others you will be Slagathor.

  5. #5
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    What about something for Clement? As I see it, the Red Sox have a surplus in SP right now. I know that they may like to have that many options due to the injury bug possibility with Schilling and Beckett. But Kearns and a prospect could do the trick for Clement couldn't it?

  6. #6
    My guess is that a prospect for Clement could do it. Clement has less value than Arroyo here. If I were the Reds, I'd require a mid-level prospect or a fraction of the salary paid with Clement for Kearns.

    Then out of fairness to the others you will be Slagathor.

  7. #7
    i'd heard about the hand shake NTC, but didn't know how serious it was since arroyo is still included in most trade rumors. they could be just that though.

    as for clement, i think bigger than both the cash concern (which i agree with fishercat about), clubs are going to have to see clement pitch healthy before anyone takes him, since the splits before and after his concussion were so dramatic. some guys never bounce back from things like that, understandably.
    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

  8. #8
    Bullpen Catcher bipster's Avatar
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    just say no......this is the year to truly fear the ears, it is so near, you can nearly hear!!!

  9. #9
    Past his age-27 peak Saber's Avatar
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    Why would you trade a starter for a platoon righty?

  10. #10
    several reasons. First, they want a better 4th outfielder than anyone they have for when someone (trot probably) eventually goes down. Second, they want this player to be young so he can take over in right next eyar after having learned to play the tough fenway corner. Third, with schilling, becket, clement, wells, wakefield, and papelbon, arroyo isn't a starter for them, he's a middle reliever.

    Would you trade a middle reliever for a young right fielder with a lot of upside who perfectly fits your needs? Probably.
    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

  11. #11
    Teams of Greatness BoSox34's Avatar
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    Well, I could honestly seeing the Red Sox doing a Matt Clement plus cash considerations for Austin Kearns for 3 reasons. 1.) The Red Sox would like to get rid of Clement's contract which allows him to make $6.5 milion in 2006 and $8.3 million in 2007. 2.) The Red Sox being have 7 starting pitchers heading into spring training and 3.) Kearns still has the potential to be more than just a platoon outfielder. If I am not mistaken Trot Nixon will be a Free Agent at seasons end and if Kearns could find a consistent groove in a hitters park such as Fenway, they wouldn't have to chuck up the cash to resign Nixon.
    "They asked me if I wanted the ball in Game 6, and I said yes. I'll always say yes. That's what I did with Jack McKeon. I told him, 'Let me see how I feel tomorrow.' I went out, did a long toss, came in and said, 'I'll pitch, I want it, I want to do it.' And it ended up working out." -Josh Beckett

  12. #12
    Bullpen Catcher bipster's Avatar
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    I might actually consider Clement and cash for Kearns

  13. #13
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fishercat
    I'm not a huge fan of the deal...
    big shocker there

    we all know that bronson is to you as to zito is to crush city

  14. #14
    Banned Geki Ace's Avatar
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    That's a horrible trade. Arroyo is shit and Clement is overpaid shit. Trading Kearns for anything right now doesn't make sense, and if we do trade him, it really should be for specs or very young pitchers. Clement turns 32 this season and is coming off a horrible year (though he was never that good, to be honest) and Arroyo is 29 and coming off another bad year. Stupid trade.

  15. #15
    sorry no, you're wrong again geki. you clearly know nothing about arroyo if you think he can't pitch, so i'm not sure why i'm responding, but c'est la vie...

    he just signed a deal that will keep him affordable for 3 years, and he can put up the same numbers as our #2 guy with ease. no prospect offers you that kind of security. kearns has never played a full season in the majors and may never. Sure he could be great, but arroyo was a late bloomer and is still improving, and actually has major league and WS experience. with arroyo we could contend this year, and he'll still be around when baily makes it in all likelihood. again, no prospect gives you that.

    Clement is overpaid, and potentially injured so i would want cash and proof that he can pitch before considering him.
    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

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