Excerpt from a story by Bruce Levine on SveumSveum's no-nonsense approach just right - Chicago Cubs Blog - ESPN Chicago
I'm getting a good feeling about Sveum. This and the whole bunting tournament his staff has going this spring is really catching my interest. He's said all the right things so far. I just can't wait until a game is on tv, or at least streamed so I can see how he handles a game. I liked what Quade was doing last spring, but I turned on him pretty quick after watching him manage the pitching staff and set the lineups.Example 1: A Cubs minor league player was late for the team’s first day of meetings on Feb. 18. Sveum made it clear to the young man that type of work carelessness would not be tolerated.
Example 2: A media member showed up late for a Sveum briefing and kindly asked the Cubs manager to repeat himself. Once again, Sveum let it be known that will not be the case in the future.