The Red Sox [team stats] started the process of formulating their roster for 2008 by picking up the options of pitchers Tim Wakefield and Julian Tavarez yesterday.

For the second straight year, the Sox picked up Wakefield’s $4 million team option. By making 31 starts this season, Wakefield also made an extra $1.25 million in incentives.

In 2007 he equaled his career high for wins in a season (17) while finishing with a 4.76 ERA in 189 innings.

The decision to pick up Wakefield’s option was made after tests at Massachusetts General Hospital yesterday confirmed there was no structural damage in his right shoulder.

And while it was discovered that Wakefield, 41, does have a small tear in his labrum, it is nothing that will keep him from resuming his regular offseason workout activities by early December.

“I pretty much needed to see the doctor and make sure nothing was seriously wrong with my shoulder,” said Wakefield, one of the Red Sox representatives at last night’s Celtics [team stats] opener. “Everything pretty much came out like I thought it would.”

Wakefield, who was unable to pitch in the World Series because of the injury, said he had two cortisone shots in his shoulder in an attempt to make it through the final stages of the season.

While Wakefield was undoubtedly pleased to return, Tavarez had previously expressed mixed feelings about the prospect of the team picking up his $3.8 million option.

Pitchers stay put -