Want to share S3F with your friends and ensure you get referral credit back here on the site? Now it's easy. All you need ready is the email or emails you want to invite. I'll walk you through it.
Click "Invite Your Friends" from the sidebar menu. This will bring you to the invite page where you will construct and send your message.
Enter the email you would like to message and then it is optional for you to include a message to attach to the default email. So if you want to include who is sending them this message or if you mentioned the forums to them before and would like to remind them of the conversation, this is the perfect spot. You will also need to fill in the image verification correctly.
If it was sent correctly, you will see the above screen so you will know that it went through okay.
Now let's look at what your friend will see...
It will display your username as part of the from section. The title of the email is default.
Then you have the default message that will be on all invite emails, plus the custom note included in the message.
Easy, right?