I've been in the process of banner creation/design for quite some time now and versus getting new pictures of players in the old uniforms, until action pictures that are suiting are released, I am going with the press release pictures. A bit pointless yes, but it will take some time for there to be pictures I would want to use in game actions. And unlike the Reds, the Diamondbacks actually had at least a couple players of significance to model the uniforms (with them swinging a bat, with a ball and glove, ie: I could put them on the banner), the only problem is that Webb's pictures I've seen were pretty poor and just wouldn't be fitting. So until I can get a choice action shot of him for the banner down the road, who would you rather see on the banner between these two as they were the best pictures of pitchers wearing a new uni.
Just vote if you care. I am primarily making this poll so you guys know I didn't choose to keep a guy lof B Webb's caliber from being on the banner for his team.