It has been a process lasting most of the duration of the summer, but I began looking at changing the moderator landscape at B/S. By that, I simply mean replacing inactive leaders with active leaders. Not just active leaders, but those that are dedicated and bring something to the forums. Over the next month, you will see changes at the basic level of moderators. That will be in time.
In this moment, I am announcing our new B/S Leaders. HollywoodLeo has been our only B/S Leader for some time after General's departure. Through deliberation with Missionhockey21 and Porter, we as the Admin team came up with individuals we wanted to interview for the positions in order to determine who would be a good fit. And after coming to a complete agreement, the Admin team would like to welcome the follow members as new B/S Leaders, joining HollywoodLeo,
Trendy Bastard
Congratulations to the both of you. We like what you bring. We like the enthusiasm you bring. And yes, we decided that adding a Cubs fan and a Reds fan will allow you two to wage greater wars than Leo and Mofo. Okay, not really, but nonetheless we ask you to continue to be who you have been on the forums. Welcome aboard.